mike wheeler: joy

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tw: school

n/n - nickname

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mike was sitting on the couch, watching television when he heard the door bell ring.

"mike! could you please get that?" his mom yelled from the kitchen.

mike groans in annoyance, "fine," he replies and goes to answer it.

but soon his annoyed attitude drops as soon as he sees his girlfriend, y/n, standing in front of him with tears in her eyes. she was in hawkins for a couple of weeks to visit a relative.

"y/n? what happened?" he worriedly asks.

y/n sniffles and wipes her eyes, "i just- i dont know. can i please come in? ill tell you," mike nods.

"yeah, yeah, sure. come in," he brings her inside, "hey, lets go up to my room, yeah? that way you can tell me."

y/n nods and mike gently grabs her hand and brings her to his room.

"alright, whenever youre ready," mike says as he closes his door and stands in front of it while y/n sits on his bed.

she sighs, "well, you know that i moved to another school, right? your schools rival?" mike nods, "yeah, why?"

"well, ever since they found out i came from hawkins, theyve been giving me endless piles of tasks and i feel so overwhelmed."

mike sighs, "thats- thats just messed up."

"exactly. mike, its so unfair. and in addition, my friends there make me feel so insecure. i love them really, mike. but at times when they show their work i just feel ashamed of myself," her voice starts to crack and her eyes start to water as well.

mike immediately rushes to her side and pulls her into a hug. she breaks down into tears and hugs him back, tightly.

mike whispers sweet things into her ears as he strokes her back and kisses her head.

"its okay. im here, im here. ill always be here."

"i love you."

"you can let it all out, alright? its me, youre safe."

"dont care about anyone, ignore them, youre doing so great and what matters is that youve tried your best."

"no matter what you do, ill always be proud of you."

"even when i fall?" y/n asks.

"even when you fall," he answers and kisses her forehead.

"i dont know, mike. i want to give up. its all becoming too much for me. it keeps getting worse. why is it getting worse? why me?" she asks again, her grip around his waist becomes tighter.

he shakes his head, "i dont know, n/n. but i promise you, itll get better. when all of this passes, itll show that you are so strong, that you are still standing after everything that has been thrown your way. but even before everything passes, im so proud of you. always."

"always?" y/n asks as mike holds her hands.

"always," he answers and kisses her lips.

y/n smiles, this boy brings her so much joy.

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