richie tozier: blood on ice pt.2

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tw: hospital, coma, not rlly much, but there are a few punches here and there

hello! i'm sorry for the long wait. i hope guys still understand why i took a break. i improved a tiny bit but missed writing so i decided to start writing again. tysm for being patient<3

and thank you to the person who asked for a part 2.

it has been almost 2 weeks since y/n ended up in a coma, and out of all of the losers, richie visited her the most.

he felt very guilty, but he didn't tell anyone else yet.

until max knocked on his door and punched him in the face.

"i know what you did to my sister, four eyes," she gave him a deadly glare.

"y-you know?" he nervously questions her. she nods, "yeah, i know what you did. you poured water on the rink to make her fall and get her face almost sliced in half! i saw in the cameras. fortunately for you, i didn't tell them to-"

"-max," he cuts her off and sighs, "i didn't mean for her to get her face almost sliced in half. her falling down. yes, i wanted her to-"

he was cut off by max's hand slapping his face.

"so you did-"

"-max please let me finish explaining!" he begs, "it's not what you fully think it is."

the redhead scoffs, "fine. go and explain," she crosses her arms against her chest.

"thank you," he begins, "okay, as i was saying, yes, i wanted her to fall. but that was just it! i didn't think that there would be someone skating her way and harming her or i didn't think that she would end up like this! i promise to you, max, i didn't mean for her to end up in a coma. i am so, so sorry," richie looks down at his shoes for a moment before looking back up at max.

max studies his face for a moment before rolling her eyes, "you know, for someone who looks a lot like our other dumb friend, you're dumber. you're a whole different idiot."

richie chuckles, "y/n did mention i look a lot like your friend back in hawkins. mike, right?" max nods, "mhm, little wheeler. you two could be like twins. i should get the both of you to meet one day."

he nods, "yeah. but max, really, i'm sorry. i didn't want whatever i had in mind to go this far. please forgive me."

max sighs and places her hands on her hips before tilting her head to the side, "i forgive you, richie. but the person you should actually be apologizing to is my sister."


"-apologize to her when she wakes up."

"actually, i have been doing that ever since we got the news that she's in the hospital, awake or not awake. i've been buying her favorite things like flowers, and animals, i even spent all my savings on this necklace i thought she might like," he scratches the back of his neck.

"that was you?" max asks, "you're the one who's been filling her room up with gifts?" richie nods, "yeah, that's me."

"wow," max smiles, "i thought it was the whole club who did that but it was just you. you're that sorry?" richie nods again, "yeah."

"well, i'm glad that you're actually sorry. and i'm glad that you're trying to make it up to her by buying her all these sweet things, no one has really done this for her before."


"mhm. you're the first guy to treat her this well."

"what about your friends back in hawkins?" max shakes her head, "they treat her well, but not as much as you do."

richie blushes at her statement.

"well then, i'm glad too. and to be honest, i'll do anything to make it up to her, anything for her." max ruffles his hair, "you know, if i hadn't known any better, you're in love with my sister."

"huh? what makes you say that?"

"oh come on. you say and act like you "hate" her. but take a look at how you talk about her and how you're willing to do anything for her. i have never heard anyone talk about my sister like that."

"but i just said i'd do anything for her. plus, maybe i did hate her but now i just feel bad."

"and i doubt that anyone who spilled water on the ice rink and got my sister to fall would say that, let alone get her a thousand gifts to make it up to her."

"but i just feel guilty."

"maybe in love too."

"you have no reasonable explanation for that," he protests.

"stop gaslighting yourself."

"you stop gaslighting me!"

"oh richard," max chuckles, "you're one funny and oblivious kid. i can see the way you look at her, we all do."


"mhm, the whole group can. you may think you're glaring at her but no, you're admiring her. that's why i was so mad at you earlier, i thought you liked her and wanted to harm her for some dumb reason you boys have in your tiny pea brains. but in reality, you're just confused." she pats his shoulder, "i'll see you around, rich," she waves at him and leaves.

richie stays still for a moment.

does he have feelings for y/n?

he doesn't know.

this is bad im so sorry 😭

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