miles fairchild: little family art

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tw: none

i dont know why i dont write much abt miles when i am literally obessed and in love with him

i need help

notes: c/n - childs name, any gender of ur choice, they/them pronouns bec idk what pronouns u want them to have, and this will probably be my last post until my exam weeks are over. ill be publishing drafts.

"dad! dad!" c/n calls out for miles, who was having a chat with flora in her old study room.

"yeah? whats up?" miles asks his 5 year old.

"hi aunt flora," c/n greets flora, who waves back with a smile, "hi!"

"can we finger paint with mom, please?" c/n asks, holding up a container filled with acrylic paints, "aunt flora can join too! itd be so fun."

flora smiles, "id love to!"

"i dont see why not. you go get your mom, okay? we'll go get the aprons and canvases. meet us back here," miles kisses their head and watches them run out of the room in excitement.

"theyre a delight," flora compliments.

miles smiles, "they sure are."

a few minutes later, the two fairchild siblings set up 4 old towels, one for each of them to sit on and to avoid getting paint on the floor.

c/n comes running in the room pulling y/n with them, who was carrying the paints and paint brushes.

"hey, n/n," miles kisses y/n's head.

"hi, kilometer. hey, flora!" she happily greets the siblings.

"hi, y/n! you look so pretty," flora smiles, y/n smiles back.

"come on lets start painting," c/n pulls all the adults down to sit with them.

"what do you want to paint?" flora asks c/n.

c/n hums as they think.

"lets finger paint!" they exclaim and stand up. they remove 3 of the canvases and put the 4th one in the center, "lets all color our fingers our favorite color and put it on the canvas! and then we can write our names!"

the adults smile, "sure, buddy," miles rubs their head.

c/n walks over to the paints and stands in front of each adult, who picked out their favorite color.

a few minutes later after applying paint onto their fingers, miles
puts the canvas in front of him with his non-painted hand and places his painted finger on it, leaving his fingerprint there.

after that, he gets a black pen and writes his name below the finger print.

he then passes it to flora, who was sitting next to him.

flora did the same and passed it to y/n, who also did the same and passed it to c/n, who finished their little family art.

c/n jumps up in joy, "yay! we finished our painting!" they exclaim happily.

the 3 adults get up from their seats, "i have an idea," flora begins, "why dont we all go out for ice cream?"

c/ns eyes light up, "yes! ice cream! ice cream! ice cream! mom, dad, can we please go get ice cream with aunt flora? please?"

y/n chuckles and holds their non-painted hand, "okay, little one. lets go wash our hands, okay?"

c/n cheers and drags everyone to the bathroom to wash their hands.

i hope u liked this, this was an old draft that ive been wanting to finish

anyways, live, laugh, love, flora

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