mike wheeler: too late

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TW: angst, foul language, heartbreak, rejection(?), blood(nosebleeds and blood pouring out of white eyes) dying, and whatever s4 has.

notes: takes place in s3, no hate to mileven, and mike doesnt go to cali yet, plot will be diff for this story.

italics - flashbacks

"just admit it, mike. you only fell in love with el because she was the first person to never turn away from you or call you shit ass names!" y/n exclaims as she and mike argue in his basement.

"thats a lie! i love el because- because-"

"-because like i said, the first person to never hate you for call you names!" y/n cuts mike off.

"lies! i love her for who she is!" mike defends himself.

"oh yeah? is falling in love with her "for who she is" in a short matter of time proof? you barely knew her because she couldnt say much and then you suddenly kiss her at school!"

"shes special, okay?! thats why i love her! she makes me feel loved," mike says.

"she makes you feel loved, mike? she makes you feel loved??" y/n slightly raises her voice higher, "are you saying that dustin, lucas, will and i dont make you feel loved? what about us?"

"what? no, no, no! thats not what i meant!" he groans, grabbing a fistful of his curly hair, "she makes me feel different than any other girl has, okay? its a different kind of love! she makes my heart and stomach twist and turn and flutter around like fucking butterflies!"

y/n felt her heart break a little, she has always had this tiny crush on mike ever since the group was created. and as the years passed by, they grew stronger.

she thought theyd have a chance together. it seemed like mike felt the same, so her hopes were high until el came into the picture and took it away.

"stop lying to yourself, mike. you only love el because she's the only girl who wasnt grossed out by you!"

"you know what?" mike begins, "yeah, maybe youre right. maybe i love el too because she isnt as annoying as you! shes way better!" mike yells.


now her heart broke into a million pieces. he just said that she was annoying and el was better than her.

y/n felt like she was about to cry. her almost overflowing tears were about to spill from her eyes until mike spoke again.

"yeah, thats right. cry all you want. thats all you do! thats what makes you so annoying! thats what makes el more likable, shes braver than you and youre such a fucking crybaby," mike yells at her again.

y/n couldnt believe the words leaving her best friends mouth. she started stuttering over her words, as she was trying to defend herself but soon gave up and went to collect her stuff before heading towards the stairs.

but before she could step onto the steps, she turned around and glared at mike, "fuck you, michael," she says and leaves the house.

now, it was the present. y/n wiped away her tears and turned all her attention back to the test in front of her, hoping that she wont look at the boy who was sitting next to her anymore.

she was answering the questions with ease until she felt another headache.

for the past few days, y/n has been experiencing countless headaches and odd nosebleeds.

and speaking of nosebleeds, she felt a warm and metalic substance touch her lips.

with shaking hands, she brought her left hand to touch the substance that was pouring from her nose while raising her right hand up and excusing herself.

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