finn wolfhard: happy birthday pt.1

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tw: none

heres a late imagine for finn. im so sorry for being dead lol

n/n - nickname

hes so gorgeous

finns eyes fluttered open and began to adjust when his eyes were hit by the sunlight.

he groans as he tries to get up. but he falls back on his bed and decides to stay for a while.

he reaches over to his side table and grabs his phone.

immediately, hes greeted with notifications in every app he has.

happy birthday, finn!

happy birthday to @finnwolfhardofficial

happy bday finn!

@finnwolfhardofficial happy birthday!!

morning fink :) happy birthday <3

despite the endless greetings, her greeting made him smile.

her smile is just a part of him smiling. her whole self makes him smile.

he clicks on her message and begins to type a reply.


morning fink :) happy birthday <3

morning gorgeous

thank u for the greeting

did u just wake up?

mhm yea

do u want to sleep some more?

u deserve the rest

no im ok

tho sleeping more seems great,
id rather have u here with me

finn smiles at the message he sent, hoping that shell offer to come over.


i know that text

you want me to come over dont you?



ill be there in a few mins fink

do u want me to bring stanley over?

finn smiles once again. stanley is y/ns pet bird. hes an intelligent bird. they trained stanley to behave and do some tricks. wyatt took her out shopping on her 19th birthday and she decided to get a pet bird (any breed you guys want) and name it after one of the best (or the best) losers club member, stanley uris. or in their case, stanley urine. thanks wyatt.


yes please

i miss stan

stan misses u too

ill see u in a bit

love u!

love u too!

finn places his phone down and waits.

a few minutes later, he decides to finally get out of bed and prepare himself for the day.

another few minutes later, he exits his room wearing the "jackass" beanie y/n got for him last year.

"happy birthday, finn!" his mom greets him with a bright smile on her face. "i made you your favorite breakfast. your dad and nick are out getting ingredients for lunch. but theyll be back soon."

"thanks mom," he hugs her and sits down, "y/ns coming over with stan later. can we use the tv?" he asks.

she smiles, "of course. you dont have to ask."

suddenly, the door bell rings.

finn jumps out of his seat while his mom chuckles at him, "ill get it!"

"stanley!" finn immediately exclaims as soon as the lovely bird flies towards finns shoulder.

the bird sits on his shoulder as finn kisses y/n, "hello, love of my life."

"hello, fink," she smiles and kisses him back, "are you ready for today?"

finn nods as his smile becomes wider, "of course, i cant wait to spend time with my little family," he says and stanley leans his cute and tiny head on finns.

finn pulls y/n in and brings her to the kitchen, where they will start his fun day.

once again i dont know how to finish this

pretty boy: finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now