trevor spengler: i like my men with pretty hair

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tw: none

v short

"pretty," y/n says as she plays with trevors head of curly hair that was resting on her thighs as they both sat at the back of the ectomobile.

trevor looks up at his girlfriend and smiles as she goes on.




"i could play with your hair all day, t."

"so soft."

"thank you mrs. spengler for carrying this lanky idiot in your body for 9 months."

"i love you."

trevor chuckles, "i love you too," he replies and gets up quickly to face her.

he cups her cheeks and pulls her in for a kiss, "kiss, kiss," he says and peppers her face in sweet and loving kisses.

they both pull away and smile at each other.

"i like my men with pretty hair."

hi, i dont usually do end a/ns but i just wanted to ask you guys to please pray or hope that my brother will heal from whatever is giving him a hard time breathing right now. i think he and my parents will try to visit a clinic tomorrow while im at school. all i hope for is that it isnt bad. i love my brother so much and hes young. hes autistic and almost 20 this dec 4. please pray for him :) thank you so much.

pretty boy: finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now