mike wheeler: it was her he chose pt.1

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tw: nothing really much

why am i writing a whole chapter instead of doing my speech 

everything was great. mike, will, dustin, lucas, and their only female party member, y/n were the best of friends. everything was normal.

however, everything changed that one night when the party found el in the woods.

before el showed up, everyone swore that they saw mikes eyes turn into hearts whenever he hears or sees y/n. they claimed that they were meant for each other. she was the apple of his eye.

but then again, when they found el, everything changed. 

y/n was no longer the apple of mikes eye. it was el.

ever since he and el started dating, he distanced himself from the party. especially from y/n.

the 5 best friends never got the chance to bond or hang out because mike was always with el, and this made everyone upset.

so when the starcourt mall opened, y/n and max, who became best friends, invited everyone to hang out and watch a movie, courtesy of their favorite babysitter, steve.

everyone went, except for mike and el.

y/n frowned at the realization that he was never going to come.

max noticed her friends sadness and wrapped an arm around her, "hey, its all going to be alright, okay? we can always stop by at scoops and annoy the living shit out of steve. anything thatll make you forget mike and see you smile, we will do it."

y/n smiles at max and leans her head on her shoulder, soon removing it and replacing it with her arm, "thanks, max."

the two share a small chuckle and walk away with the other party members.

later that day when everyone left, y/n went to maxs house to have a sleepover.

"forget mike, theres more to life than stupid boys," max says as she reads a magazine.

"i guess youre right. i did have fun earlier and it did get mike out of my mind. thanks, max," y/n and max smile at each other.

"welp, we better head off to bed before billy barges into my room and yells at us," y/n chuckles at her friends statement.

y/n moves to the other side of maxs bed and pats on the spot she was just in, "what? no you take the bed! ill sleep on the floor," max exclaims.

y/n shakes her head, "no, no, no, max. i insist, you should sleep next to me. it just feels so wrong letting you sleep on the floor."

maxs face slowly became red as she smiled. she stands up and walks over to her bed, soon lying down on it and switching the lights off.

"good night, n/n."

"night, max."

the next day, the two left maxs house and went to starcourt again.

the two were doing their usual. walk around, shop, annoy steve with robin, and sneak into the movies. at one point, y/n and max separated. max said she had to go home because billy wanted her to do some stupid chore, which made y/n end up with dustin, steve, and robin. who were apparently, solving some sort of secret russian code.

"robin!" y/n exclaims and runs after her friend, "where are you going?" the two stop when they were at the center.

y/n watches as robin mumbles words over and over again.

"a trip to china sounds nice."

"a trip to china sounds nice," she repeats as she looks everywhere.

"what are you doing?" y/n asks as she stands next to her.

"a trip to china sounds nice," she stops and looks at her paper, "if you tread lightly..."

"if you tread lightly!"

"when blue and yellow meet in the west," she mumbles again. this time, y/n understands that robin was looking at shops that could fit the description.

"there!" y/n points at the big clock whose hands were blue and yellow.

robin smiles, "the clock! youre a genius, y/n," she gives the young teen a high five.

"thanks," she smiles at her.

"robin," steve calls, "what are you doing?" he asks.

"we cracked it," robin says.

"cracked what?"

"we cracked the code."

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