richie tozier: hiccup buddies

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tw: hiccups and language

lowkey dont like this but i hope its ok

- means a hiccup interrupts

"richie-" y/n calls out for him before a hiccup interrupts her, "help please!"

"whats- wrong?" he mocks her hiccups.

she gave him a death glare, "please get me a glass- of iced water," richie rolls his eyes, "oh come on. why cant you do it?" he asks.

"because im trying to find out how i can get rid of these stupid- hiccups," she says and shows her book before hiccuping again.

richie laughs and approaches her, "awh, is my poor little y/n sick with hiccups?" he coos mockingly.

y/n pushes his body away, "im not sick! and its- just some small hiccups. now please get me cold water!"

"alright, alright. fine. but," richie pauses, "only if you let me call you hiccups," y/n rolls her eyes, "no way, richie.'

"no new nickname, no cold water," richie says.

"okay, fine. call me whatever hiccup related name you want- i just need my water, please?" richie kisses her head and rubs it, "see you later, hiccups."

a few minutes later, richie comes inside of the room holding his breath.

"why are you holding your- breath?" y/n asks and receives nothing from richie.

richie shakes his head as a no, "nothing? you sure rich?" richie nods.

"well then if its -nothing then speak dumbass," y/n says.

richie shakes his head as a no again and hands y/n her water.

y/n eyes him suspiciously, nodding as she turns her head away.

she suddenly turns her head back and screams, startling richie.


y/n bursts out in a mix of laughter and hiccups, "now who has the- hiccups!-"

richie shakes his head defensively, "no i- don't!"

"lies! you do!-"


"stop lying richie!-"

"but- im not lying!"

"-you are!"

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