miles fairchild: leave

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tw: mentions of death, slight language, yelling, drinking, smashing of bottles and mentions of blood but no blood.

inspired by a tiktok idea i saw so creds to that.

y/n and miles, miles and y/n.

everyone knew that theyre so in love with each other. they couldnt leave each others side no matter the circumstances.

well, that was until earlier today.

the couple had a fight about quint.

tsk, quint.

that horrible bastard who thinks that he can do anything just because he has miles as his stupid best friend.

he had died so long ago. thats why y/n was furious and a bit concerned why miles was mourning after so many months.

and he knew that quint was horrible to him, he knew that he was just using him for his riches and would sometimes hit on y/n and try to do things with her.

and to top it off, miles was drinking as he cried.

quint taught him that.

she questioned the boy why is he mourning. however, instead of getting a proper response, a drunk miles lashed out on her.

y/n just left miles for a few hours. she decided to go back to him once hes sober.

a few hours later, everyone had just finished their dinner. mrs grose was cleaning up, flora was in her room playing, and y/n was following miles to their shared bedroom. kate left not so long ago, but y/n offered to teach flora while they look for another teacher.

"miles, can we talk again please?" she politely asks, seeing that her lover is still a bit drunk. but sober enough to hold proper conversations.

"no," he replies almost instantly, "theres nothing to talk about, leave me alone."

the girl sighs, "miles-"

"-i said theres nothing to talk about, okay?" he raises his voice as they stop right outside their room, "go away."

"please," she says, her voice becoming stern, "i dont know why youre mourning over him! i thought you hate him!"

"well im sorry that i miss having a best friend and not an annoying girlfriend!" he yelled back.

y/n felt her heart stop.

"to be honest, quints a better company than you."


"and i miss having someone around to take me away from every single thing you do. you just anger me so much that i hate you. i hate you," he spits every word out with venom.

"miles," she says his name, her voice soft and quite shaky.

"get out," he says as he slightly looks down, his finger pointing towards the door.

"miles, please-"

"-i said get out!" he looks at her.


"youre nothing to me, understand? it would be so much better if you left just like kate."

"or end up dead like miss jessel," he mumbles under his breath. but y/n heard that.

now with a heavy heart, she sighs deeply and looks at him for a moment before nodding.

"fine. ill go," she speaks and heads for the door.

as this all happens, flora watches from the corner. tears flowing down from her eyes as she fears for y/n.

"please dont go!" she exclaims, "y/n!"

"y/n!" she calls her name again but was ignored.

"miles, tell her to not l-leave!" she begs as she starts to stutter over her words.

"and why would i do that? shes annoying."

flora glares at miles and heads to his room.

miles turns and watches flora open his closet and drags out a bag filled with alcoholic drinks.

"hey, no- what are you doing?!" he yells.

"y-you took away the person who makes me happy, you t-took her away from the both of us. now i-im taking your drinks away because certainly its mo-more important than your own girl-girlfriend!" she screams at him before grabbing a bottle and smashing it on the ground. one bottle after another. glass filling every space around them.

"flora, stop-"

"it doesnt feel good if something you love is being taken away, doesnt it miles?" she smashes another bottle.


"doesnt it, miles?!" she yells.

miles immediately grabs both of his sobbing little sisters wrists, "listen to me, okay? im sorry, im so sorry," he softly says while flora slowly calms down.

she sniffles, "dont say sorry to me," she looks around them, a pool of glass and no drip of blood, yet.

"say sorry to y/n."

part 2?

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