trevor spengler: under their influence

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tw: underage drinking, mentions of smoking

inspired by @helena_xo22 in tiktok

trevor and y/n met in summerville.

they were both 15 at the time, but now they're 17.

17 and in love.

they began dating when they were almost 16 years old, the same age they both started partying and drinking.

at first, it was harmless.

well, a bit harmless.

a few drinks here and there. they did try to try other things every party had to offer, but they declined. they knew it made each other uncomfortable, so they stuck to alcohol.

it was fine.

fine until he got new friends, new company.

it was no longer trevor and y/n.

it was now trevor, their friends, and y/n.

y/n didn't mind, she was actually ecstatic when he became comfortable and made new friends.

however, those friends of his weren't the best.

they were terrible influences.

she always tried to warn him about the wrong things that they would do.

but he always shrugged them off, saying that it was "normal" or "fine".

but it's not.

she tried everything, but he ignored her.

like always.

slowly, they started to become distant.

there was no more trevor and y/n.

just trevor and his friends.

no more sweet and kind trevor, just the influenced trevor.

and now, she's staring at him at a party, doing things that could get him arrested.

she came to the realization that she just watched one of the nicest boys get influenced by his friends and turn out just like them.

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