Episode : 3

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Bebo and her minions cook up a plan to make a parody film of Anokhi. Shaurya and his roommates prepare for investment talks while Anokhi and her roommates prepare for internship interviews at the same company, Arora Tech. Shagun uses her connections to interact with Shaurya and Reema at the company. Ahir learns a lesson from anokhi.

Shaurya Sabherwal tells the Shaanti minions to get lost, and they start bitching about how they're getting bullied by our Dream Team. Anokhi tells Neil that she was originally having a bad afternoon, and thanks him for making her day.

She calls him by his given name, 'Neil,' whereas she only ever called Anmol by his surname.

The bitchy girls have gone to their leader Bebo and her husband to whine about what happened at the Heaven's Temple, interrupting their romantic moment where they sit on the grass and look into the distance together.

Bebo tells them off because she wants to join Anokhi's guild (which Anmol is also in) so they need to maintain a good relationship.
Minion 1 says she has an idea to piss Anokhi off, and it involves participating in the game's video competition. Basically, participants record a video of their gameplay and other players will vote on their videos. The winner gets a Rainbow Couple Costume, which Bebo wants.

Back in school, Shagun and Kitty put on their best pouty faces as Laddoo fixes their computer. Shagun storms off as he's done, and Kitty questions him :
Kitty: "Does Shaurya know about the broken computer?"
Laddoo: "He knows."
Kitty : "Does he know it's Shagun's computer?"
Laddoo: "He knows."
Kitty: "Then why isn't he here?"
Laddoo: "How would I know?"


Shagun goes on to blame Kitty for making it obvious that she likes Shaurya. Her mum said that girls should be conservative and never make the first move!

They go for dinner with Shagun's rich cousin, the real-life Anmol , Arora Anmol. Kitty is just excited she gets to leech off Anmol at an expensive restaurant, while Shagun is busy pouting all over the place. Anmol and Kitty coax Shagun into revealing her boy troubles, and Anmol realizes the boy in question is the CEO of Pro Marketers Technology, a company his father wants to acquire.

His dad (Shagun's uncle) wants to expand into the gaming space, and thinks that he can acquire the college student team at a discount.

Sounds like an ass.

Shagun is excited about the prospect of working together with Shaurya and begs Anmol for an internship at her uncle's company.

Shaurya and roommates are discussing some business matters such as which companies they're interested in partnering. Shaurya plans to meet Arora Tech Technology this week, and Ultra Company Group the next.

Following their serious discussion, Laddoo complains about what happened when he fixed Shagun's computer this morning.
Nakul says he should've expected the outcome.
Shaurya leaves the dorm, saying he'll only stay here after the roommates wash their smelly socks.

Meanwhile, at the girls' dorm, all 4 girls are invited to interview for an internship at Arora Tech Technology, thanks to Reema who submitted all their resumes.

It's cute how they look out for each other.

The interview is on the same day that Shaurya is going to Arora Tech.
As expected, Arora Tech Technology is the exact company that Shagun's uncle runs. Shagun heads to Arora Tech's office with her cousin in tow, asking her uncle for an internship. Uncle agrees to let her be his assistant for the time being, just as his secretary enters to announce Shaurya's arrival.

Shaurya and Laddoo meets with CEO Arora and Gaming Investment General Manager Li. Shagun serves the guests tea while openly ogling Shaurya, and Laddoo looks shocked to see her.
Shaurya, meanwhile, is completely nonchalant, and we see a return of Shagun's pouty face.

At the company's lobby, our 4 CS heroines are waiting amongst many other hopefuls for the internship interview. Parineeti and Mithai are sitting apart from Reema and Anokhi, feeling second-hand embarrassment from Reema's nerdy outfit choice.


Reema proceeds to snoop around to find out the interview questions. Another candidate tells her that they will be asked about what games they play and their usernames, since they're interviewing for the game design department after all. Reema freaks outs as none of them other than Anokhi plays games.

Back to Shaurya and asshole CEO's discussion. CEO offers 3 million to buy the rights to Shaurya's game, promising high salaries to Shaurya's team should they come to work for Arora Tech.
He also mentions Shagun goes to his school, to which Shaurya responds that he's never seen her before.

Take that!

As they head out of the meeting, Laddoo fumes that the asshole CEO made them such a lowball offer, and that the guy named Li something something implied Arora Tech will develop their game with or without their cooperation.
Shaurya is calm and says if Arora Tech is using unscrupulous methods, they don't have to play by the rules either.

Shagun shows up attempting to flirt with Shaurya, offering to help convince her uncle to give them better conditions. Shaurya politely rejects, suggesting it may be inappropriate for her to do so.
Anmol witnesses this scene and lols at his cousin for falling so hard for Shaurya, who he thinks is poor but arrogant.

Anokhi is briefing her roommates on new Beautiful Ghost Story and gives them names of her other characters: Jugni Nikki(so many reeds), Nikki Jugni(reeds, so many!), and Nikki Nikki(reed reed).

Anokhi is clearly creative with usernames.

Reema is up next, and drags Anokhi to accompany her to the receptionist. Shagun coincidentally passes by, and convinces Anmol to sit in in the interview with her. Reema is momentarily stunned to see Shagun when she enters the interview room. When introducing the game that she plays, she forgets the reedy character that Anokhi gave her and reports Anokhi's main character instead : Nikki.

Now it's Anmol's turn to be stunned, and his reaction doesn't go unnoticed by Reema.
Reema immediately reports her mistake to Anokhi, sheepish and apologetic. Our lead heroine has a big heart however, and waves it off since it's no biggie - she'll just use one of her other usernames.

Shaurya and Laddoo pass by the lobby on their way out, and Shaurya can't help but look at Anokhi, who has her back towards him. Laddoo notices and tells him that that's Anokhi Bhalla, the belle of the computer science department. Shaurya mutters to himself that the names are similar.

He leaves with a smile, saying the CS is belle is 'very good'. Laddoo follows after him wondering what 'very good' means.

It's Anokhi's tutoring time, and she heads to Pawan's place to meet Ahir. Pawan gives Ahir a look-over, and is unimpressed with his new English tutor.
Pawan sends Anokhi to get a drink, leaving Ahir alone with the kid. Kid has an attitude and says Ahir doesn't look too smart, although he's full of praises for Anokhi.

When Anokhi comes back, Pawan tells her Ahir is too busy to teach him English.


Anokhi tells Pawan that in order to be a good software engineer, he has to have a good grasp of English. Although if Pawan doesn't like this tutor, they can find another one. Ahir totally got snubbed.

As they're leaving, Pawan pulls Anokhi over to question if Ahir is her boyfriend.

Of course not!

Pawan is pleased to hear that as he totally disapproves of Ahir, so Anokhi reassures him that she'll reject him if he ever expresses interest. Pawan already has a match in mind for Anokhi, and pulls out an article of Shaurya, saying this guy is a 100.

Anokhi says that this guy is a legend in her school, and normal people can only watch from afar. Pawan believes Anokhi is a good match for him and cheers her on.
Finally, Anokhi gets her much deserved apology from Ahir, who shakes her hand and deletes the incriminating post.

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