Untitled Part 26

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The deadline and presentation day for New Beautiful Ghost Story is moved up thanks to some shenanigans on Arora's side. Anokhi helps make eating and sleeping arrangements as everyone puts in longer hours at Shaurya's company. Nana tries to recruit Reema to the dark side, but her attempt backfires and Reema forgives Anokhi and Ahir. Anokhi and Reema reunite.

Laddoo and gang are still discussing vegetarian food restaurants as they head to the conference room. S
haurya drops the bomb that the demo is now moved forward to September 1, and Vineet looks the most shook.

Shaurya has communicated with GM Arpan to ask for reasons behind the drastic change - GM Pratap made a last minute decision to have surgery on September 10, and would need 3 months to recuperate. Whereas, CEO Shyaam is attending some conference between September 2 to September 9. Since they both need to be present for the demo, the only available date is September 1.

The team suggests giving up the optimization since they can explain that they do have the ability to finish it but ran out of time on such short notice.
Shaurya insists that policymakers care not for explanations but only the final product. It's crunch time!

He has some ideas and splits them up into teams. Vineet is completely spaced out and doesn't hear Shaurya assigning testing issues to him.


After the serious talk is over, Laddoo asks if he's the only one still thinking about the vegetarian food dinner.
Shaurya says this is the main point of this meeting - celebration feast in Delhi!

Vineet continues to look disturbed.

Anokhi sees Laddoo coming out of the conference room and asks him where they decided to have seafood. Laddoo updates Anokhi on the demo date and laments that Shaurya has gone insane, scurrying away as Shaurya approaches.
Shaurya tells Anokhi to bring over some clothes and toiletries from his apartment as he's going to be staying in the office from now on.

As Anokhi is bringing a pillow and a blanket into Shaurya's office, Nakul is glaring ominously at Shaurya and DS who are engaged in a serious discussion. Anokhi jokingly asks him if he's cosplaying a gecko, and Nakul complains about the way they act like they are at the top of the food chain.

He warns Anokhi that this will be the last day he is speaking to her as a human - from tomorrow onwards, he will only be a code Squirrel.
It's a difficult time for everybody in Pro Marketers, who are staying in the office 24/7 to make the deadline.

Anokhi is heartbroken seeing everybody sleeping on their desks and chairs, so she takes on the responsibility of arranging food and rest for everybody. When asking Shaurya for a budget, he hands over his wallet, saying that she is in charge of it now.

Anokhi brings back mattresses and blankets and has made sleeping arrangements for everyone, and all the bros are pleased to have a woman around. Because clearly guys can't take care of themselves.
Laddoo is overjoyed when he hears from Anokhi that he and Squirrel, Vineet, and A-Li get to sleep in Shaurya's office as VIPs. His joy quickly turns into indignance when Shaurya explains his understanding that the partition was based on whether they snore.

When Shaurya asks where he is sleeping, Anokhi sheepishly points to a corner.
Nakul is incredulous that Anokhi assigned the worst bed to Shaurya, but Anokhi is fair and claims that she drew lots. Anokhi offers to help them out until school starts on September 1, but Nakul suggests that she can still stay on as an intern to earn some pocket money.

Anokhi turns down the wages and says she only needs her meals covered, so Shaurya declares that her wages will go into his account. "Third Bro, you win," Nakul walks off, leaving the two of them.
Shaurya thanks Anokhi sincerely for all that she has done.

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