Untitled Part 21

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Shaurya and Anokhi make plans to go swimming together. Anokhi meets up with her friend from the game, Diemeng. Shagun and her minions go to Anmol's company to see and bully the real-life Anokhi. Shaurya drives Anokhi home and puts her on the phone with his parents.

At (Shaurya's) home, Anokhi is researching about the game when she remembers that she hasn't fed her tigers. While she's searching for food and telling her tiger to watch the house for her, she remembers Shaurya saying the same to her a giggles happily.

Babli and Samriddhi are online so they chat and kill bosses together like old times. They both lament that things have changed in the guild since the Shaanti family joined, and Samriddhi successfully gets Anokhi to agree to meet up.

Babli will unfortunately have to pass as she doesn't live in the capital.
Just then, Neil pops up in the game, inviting Anokhi to go swimming at a relative's empty villa. This triggers some not-so-innocent thoughts and Anokhi enthusiastically agrees.

Shaurya asks her if she can swim, and Anokhi confirms that she can't, but she intends to watch. Anokhi tells Shaurya about her upcoming afternoon tea session with Samriddhi, and he offers to pick her up immediately after.

He tells her to bring along his swimsuit, and this sets off another improper fantasy of a topless Shaurya at the pool... Shaurya pretty much guesses Anokhi's reaction which puts him also in a jovial mood.

Good for all his employees, because he orders them to take the rest of the day off immediately.

Anokhi identifies Samriddhi at the cafe based on the description of her clothes Samriddhi gave her. Samriddhi's jaw drops in shock, and belatedly apologizes for her reaction as she never expected Anokhi to be so beautiful. Samriddhi confides in Anokhi about her troubled relationship with Tez - they had broken up because of his entanglements with Shaanti, but Tez had taken care of her when Samriddhi fell sick recently so they got back together.

Soon, Samriddhi realized that a relationship that has changed in quality will never be the same again. Just because she forgave him once, he thinks she will forgive him a second, third time. Samriddhi breaks down while telling her story, and Anokhi attempts to comfort her.

Shaurya is on his way to pick up Anokhi and suggests that they go buy her swimsuit together. Anokhi is appalled and scampers off alone to the mall, demanding that Shaurya keeps his distance. Shaurya grins at how shy his girlfriend is acting.

At the store, the saleswoman recommends Anokhi a pink bikini, but Anokhi turns her away and eyes a black one piece instead.
Anokhi is in Shaurya's car in no time, as he comments on how speedy she was.

Secretly, she thinks to herself that just because she bought the swimsuit, doesn't mean she's actually going into the water. She continues indulging in her elaborate fantasies of her taking pictures of Shaurya swimming with her Oppo R7 Plus phone, while Shaurya is totally amused watching Anokhi giggle to herself.

They arrive at a majestic villa, and Anokhi hands over Shaurya's swimsuit for him to change into. Shaurya seems surprised at Anokhi's choice, explaining that he didn't think she would like this style.
Her confusion becomes clear when he's done changing - she picked such a skimpy outfit!

That's just all in her head because his swimsuit looks perfectly normal to me.

She wonders if he'll believe her when she says she picked it randomly? She scurries off to the bathroom to avoid a half-naked Shaurya, and then chides herself for changing into her swimsuit when she planned only to watch.

Samriddhi is still out and about, and she calls up Tez to invite him to dinner. Tez turns her down with the excuse that he has to sacrifice his personal time as the guild leader to help some members take down a boss. Samriddhi decides to join him, and finds out that the 'members' he is helping are the Shaanti girls (minus Bebo).

She sasses them by telling her she met Nikki that day, and implies that Anokhi would beat out all of them in a beauty contest if she had any interest in participating at all.
The Shaanti girls don't believe her and immediately goes toBebo to bitch about Samriddhi's lies.

Bebo is the slightly more reasonable one and suggests there might be some misunderstanding between them. She also initially resists when the Shaanti girls want to follow her to her boyfriend's office to stake out the real Anokhi, but finally relents when Shanti questions Anmol 's devotion to her.

Again, bad company, Bebo!

Bebo immediately puts the plan into action, whining and pouting until Anmol gives in to her request.

So we see the 4 girls strutting into Arora Tech Technology, which immediately sets off the office grapevine starting with the receptionist calling the General Manager claiming that Anmol has brought his official girlfriend to the company.
Anmol is not pleased that the other 3 girls have tagged along, but they seem oblivious and start gushing about how rich he is.

Shanti finally drops the bomb that they want to see Nikki, and Anmol reluctantly relents. Anmol sends the General Manager, who was conveniently walking by, to get Reema to take care of his guests.
The Shaanti girls are downright mean to her, making snide remarks about her appearance and purposely spilling their drinks on her.

They send her scurrying around office with mundane requests like retrieving a charger or picking up earrings they threw under the sofa. When Anmol is back, Bebo acts like she's terrified of Nikki, telling him she's afraid that Anokhi would hit her because Shanti accidentally spilled coffee on her.

The mean girls hatch a plan to expose Anokhi and embarrass Samriddhi. They convince Tez to organize a real-life gathering for their guild, and Anmol volunteers to cover all expenses including a prestigious dinner.
They press Samriddhi to bring Anokhi along by implying she lied about meeting Anokhi previously. Samriddhi knows it's a ploy that will backfire in their faces, so she agrees.

However, she also knows Anokhi doesn't like such gatherings so needs a plan of her own...Shaurya is driving Anokhi back at night when his phone rings.

Wait, so did they end up swimming?

Shaurya tells her to answer for him, and Anokhi does so thinking it's an advertisement since the number is not saved.
Right after she says hello, Shaurya informs her that the call is from his mother.


That's exactly what Anokhi's expression shows as she greets the caller again, this time with "hello Professor." She explains that Shaurya is driving, and then shoves the phone back at him. Shaurya puts his mother on speaker, and she starts asking whether the girl who picked up was the one he deceived.

She goes on to tell him not to bully Anokhi, and that he has to take responsibility in the event that he does. At this point, Shaurya informs his mother than she's on speaker.

Double awkward!

A A long silence later, the voice of Shaurya's father invites them over to visit their house when they have time, and the line goes dead with a click.
Anokhi grumbles that he managed to make three enemies in the span of a phone call, and Shaurya replies that he's flattered. She's indignant that he doesn't save any contacts, but Shaurya simply explains that he can remember the numbers.

Shaurya kills me. And Anokhi too, judging from her expression.

The two lovebirds share a kiss in the car, before Anokhi bounds off cutely back to her place.
At Parineeti's house, Reema is fuming over being treated like a maid by her boss' girlfriends, so Anokhi pampers her by giving her a massage. Reema tells Anokhi some good news - her forging skills are now at maximum level!

Anokhi is overjoyed that she won't having to be summoned to practice again for Reema, just as Reema starts to say, "I'm still missing one material for making the sword I want..." Anokhi looks ready to run, but Reema pleads with her to consider the immense trauma that she suffered today.
Anokhi gives her an exasperated look, "bring me your computer."

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