Episode : 4

56 3 4

Anmol and Bebo post their film ridiculing Anokhi, and Neil gets revenge by beating Anmol in a duel and causing him to lose two levels. Ahir relentlessly pursues Anokhi, who has no choice but to tell him she likes Shaurya Sabherwal to get him off her back. This interaction is witnessed by Kitty. Reema starts to game, and Ahir bribes a student to find out Anokhi's gaming ID.

Anokhi accepts Ahir's apology, and lectures him about not judging a book by its cover.

A little background about Pawan : Pawan lost both his father and his ability to walk in a car accident. When Pawan's mom hired Anokhi, she asked Anokhi to fix his gaming habit.
Anokhi, being the reasonable person she is, started playing games to first understand why people enjoy them. She discovered that gaming gets a bad rap, but it's really not all that bad.

For Pawan, MMORPG is a an opportunity to explore a world when he's not able to explore the real world. Furthermore, she and Pawan have inspired each other to become a game developer (Pawan) and game designer (Anokhi).

Is that a perfect college admissions essay or what!

Ahir is impressed and touched by Anokhi's story and wise words.

Aw, can't you guys just stay friends who learn from each other? But alas, our lovestruck second male lead has fully emerged.

Anokhi returns to her dorm room to find Reema playing the Beautiful Ghost Story game, trying to learn the ropes in order to cover for the lie she told in her interview. Anokhi logs on as well and sees Anmol's entry to the video competition on the forum. Curious, she clicks it.

The scene opens on Anmol Arora and Bebo surrounded by enemies, played by Bebo's minions. Just as the enemies are about to attack en masse, Anmol takes Bebo into his arms and they perform some kind of coupley team archery move, dramatically shooting everyone dead with golden arrows.

"Is this love 'til death do us part?"

Bebo recites sweetly as she lays dying in Anmol 's arms.
"Don't be silly, let's get you to a healer," says Anmol in a macho voice.
Just then, a girl in a familiar red costume bounds out of the woods.
It is... Loser Anokhi! Loser Anokhi is played by Reema's actress, since that's what Anokhi looks like in Anmol's mind.
"MY HEART IS HURT! HOW CAN YOU CHOOSE HER OVER ME! OH WOE IS ME!" wails the fake Nikki. She falls in the dirt a couple of times, Bebo gives the fakest cough ever, the couple looks down on Loser Anokhi in disdain, aaaaand end scene.

Someone give this lovely and mature couple an Oscar right now.

Anokhi angrily types a message but then slams her laptop shut without sending it. It's above Anokhi to complain about this to anyone. Luckily for her, she doesn't have to because Shaurya's bros have seen the post too and 100% have her back. Laddoo is a keyboard warrior ripping up people on the forums, and Nakul calls up Shaurya to report the news.

Shaurya says he'll be right there, which sends the roommates into a frenzy to clean up their dirty socks. After Shaurya arrives, the roommates vent their anger.
However, Shaurya is cool as a cucumber and says that they will resolve this in a civilized manner tomorrow.

In a classroom, Ahir is looking at his shots of Anokhi getting off the luxury car. This time, his expression is soft and her words about gaming replay in his mind.

He finds Anokhi at the track, where she's jogging laps. There's this high tech system where the runners log laps by scanning a card, and Anokhi has four cards in her hands, logging laps for her roommates because she's a saint.
Ahir jogs up to join Anokhi and tries to ask her out for a meal, but she politely declines and runs off.

Then she spots Shaurya jogging onto the track. The two make eye contact for a split second and Anokhi flusteredly turns around and starts running the opposite direction.


Elsewhere, Reema is running late to class. She tries to sneak into her film analysis lecture but finds someone sitting in her seat. It's Ahir.
The two bicker back and forth until the professor has to call them out for disrupting class.

Anokhi logs onto the game and finds out from a random passerby that Shaurya Sabherwal is about to duel Anmol Arora.
She arrives at the location of the duel to see Neil seated on a dais, playing his Tarang, surrounded by an excited audience. Anmol is nowhere to be seen.

The three bros fill her in : yesterday, Neil sent out a challenge for a duel with terms that heavily favor Anmol. Anmol can't turn it down without looking like a coward.
At last, Anmol and the Shaanti girls arrive. As expected, Anmol got wrecked, and the Shaanti girls only know how to bitch about Neil bullying the weak.
Bebo self-righteously accuse Neil of not following the terms of the duel, in which he promised to go without 2 weapons, to which Neil points out he did indeed leave them behind.


According to the terms of the duel, Anmol has to drop two levels as he lost. Laddoo smugly comments that he'll take at least 2 months to recover from that. Then his character freezes, as he logs off to check out the forums to confirm that Anmol deleted the video.
Anokhi says they seem almost disappointed that he's so obedient, and Laddoo snickers, "Well, if he hadn't deleted that video, we would..."
Squirrel: "Hack his computer!"
Laddoo: "Delete his account!"
Wasp: "Then... I'd court Bebo!"
Neil then drags Anokhi off to "somewhere without those guys".

Too many third wheels!

Neil takes Anokhi to a scenic overlook and explains that although he should have let Anokhi handle this matter, he wanted to deal with it quickly as it caught the attention of too many players.

Back at school, Anokhi daydreams about Neil while studying, and ends up producing a sketch of him in her notebook. She then calls it a day and packs up to leave the library.

But hey! You didn't zip your bag!

Meanwhile, Shaurya is also daydreaming about seeing Anokhi at the jogging track. He pulls out a school timetable, looking thoughtful.

I think we have a stalker.

Speaking of stalkers, another one is waiting for Anokhi as she leaves the library. Anokhi has to turn Ahir down again, but he's persistent and calls up Anokhi's dorm. Reema basically hangs up on him, saying that Anokhi is not around.
She advises Anokhi not to give him any chances, as it's clear from the photo incident that the guy has issues.

Ahir is apparently the no. 2 most popular/talented/handsome guy in the school, right behind Shaurya, but Reema says she dislikes him. Anokhi doesn't like him either, which leads Reema to conclude that Anokhi can only marry The Legend Shaurya.

Impeccable logic right there.

Anyway, Anokhi being the first sensible female lead in a drama ever, says that she's already made her disinterest very clear to Ahir and dislikes flirting and wasting his time.
As Reema is looking out the window, who else walks past but The Legend himself. They both fangirl on the balcony and subsequently witness Shaurya ignoring a girl who seems to be handing a love letter to him.

So cold!

But this gives Anokhi an idea of how to reject Ahir.
Cut to Anokhi eating at the school canteen, and our stalker Ahir manages to find her and plop himself down. Of course, Shagun's sidekick Kitty sees them together and follows them out to eavesdrop on their conversation, where Anokhi rejects Ahir outright and says she likes Shaurya. After Anokhi leaves, Kitty comes to rub salt in Ahir's wounds, which pisses him off and makes him short with her. This in turn rubs Kitty the wrong way, and you can see the wheels turning in her head to create trouble for Anokhi.

Ahir's friends found out about his girl troubles and advise him to participate in Anokhi's hobbies, so Ahir bribes a female classmate to find out Anokhi's gaming ID.

Ahir and friends head to the basketball for some exercise, where they run into Shaurya and his CS bros.
Ahir recognizes Shaurya, and uh oh, it's on!

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