Untitled Part 23

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In the game, Hitesh reveals his identity and his mistaken belief that Reema is Anokhi . Reems is heartbroken and furious at Anokhi. Shagun finds out that Ahir believes Anokhi is cheating and shares this news with Shaurya. Shaurya knows better than to believe it and shares the information with Anokhi. Shaurya and Anokhi confront Ahir separately to resolve the issue.

Ahir shows up at the rendezvous location, and Ayushi excitedly presents him with his sword. She gives a cheesy spiel on how much effort she spent to make it, but Hitesh's response is muted.
Nevertheless, he asks if he could try out the sword, and attacks Ayushi with it.

Finally, he says he also has a 'gift' prepared. Hitesh drives the sword right through her, saying he is gifting her with the Sword to break All Ties.
"Anokhi Bhalla," he addresses her, "I, Ahir, am done acting in this hypocritical show with you!" Reema stares at her screen in shock.

Anokhi is still gushing about her dinner battle against the Shaanti girls in the car with Shaurya, while he comments dryly that it seems like she displayed 10% of his prowes. Anokhi gasps, "That much?" She then wonders whether Reema will be mad if she finds out what has happened, but concludes that Reema wouldn't since she is super easygoing.

Just to be safe, Anokhi drops by a bakery to get her a cake. She realizes she has no money and borrows from Shaurya, promising to pay him back once she receives her internship salary. Shaurya hands over 1000 rupees and Anokhi asks why he's giving her so much.
"The rest is for you to please me with," he explains, and the saleswomen snickers at how cute they are.

She buys a large cake for Reema and a small piece for Shaurya. Anokhi comes home to find Reema curled up in a corner and ask her what's wrong.
Reema pushes her away and refuses to talk. Anokhi starts to apologize and explain that Reema has been bullied by her boss' girlfriends because they mistook her for Anokhi.

She assures Reema she has exacted revenge for her without revealing her identity, and brings her her favorite cake. However, Reema throws the cake onto the floor and yells at Anokhi to get out.

Shagun is eating with Kitty and looking troubled. She tells Kitty maybe she should be looking for a new goal in life.
Kitty doesn't actually care and is too busy enjoying her pasta that she chokes. While Kitty is at the restroom, Shagun sees the video of Ahir blaming Anokhi for cheating on Kitty's phone and furious at her sidekick for 'hiding things from her'.

Her new goal in life forgotten, Shagun reverses her decision of giving up on Shaurya claiming that Anokhi does not deserve a good man like him. She demands Kitty to send her the video and decides to go straight to Shaurya with it.

Shaurya has just reached home when he receives a call from Shagun asking to meet to discuss a situation related to Anokhi Bhalla. Shaurya tells her he's not interested and hangs up. Shagun pouts.

The next day, Shagun stalks Shaurya to the park where he jogs, and asks him why he hung up on her. Shaurya tells her he doesn't want to hear news regarding his girlfriend from a third party. Shagun shoves the video in front of him anyway and he watches it expressionlessly.

She self-righteously claims that she stopped her roommate from posting the video since she did not want to hurt Anokhi, but she didn't want Shaurya to be deceived either.
Shagun looks so proud of herself after the speech.

Meanwhile, Anokhi is looking for Reema but she's neither in her room nor reachable by phone. She realizes that Reema is really angry, but is perplexed as to why.
While she's cleaning up the remains of the wasted cake, Shaurya calls her to have breakfast.

At breakfast, he's busy typing away on his computer saying he has some garbage files to delete.

Somewhere else, Kitty can't find the video on her phone and wonders if Shagun has deleted it.

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