Untitled Part 17

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Nakul rants to DS, not knowing that DS is the hacker. Shaurya recruits DS to their company. Anokhi returns to Chandigarh early, and Shaurya kisses her when they reunite. Then he helps her clean her shared apartment.

Our boys may be in trouble with an unknown hacker who breached Nakul's computer. They didn't see his face, but they know he's a part-time worker.

Cutie is stressed out from the situation, so guess where he goes?
The hacker's restaurant, of course.

He thanks the cute chef-hacker for giving him gigantic portions, and chef-hacker responds that he's too skinny.

Cutie ends up getting too drunk to tell chef-hacker where he lives, so chef-hacker uses his hacking ways to dig up Nakul's house deed. However, he ends up letting Nakul sleep in his bed at the restaurant.

Nakul wakes up to find that cute chef-hacker has saved Nakul's blanket which he previously intended to throw out.
Cute chef-hacker, who Nakul calls 'DS', listens patiently to him rant about his work with an expressionless face.

Actually, I've never seen any expression on DS's face.

Even when Nakul boasts about his own brilliance outshining that of Third bro's, DS just grunts expressionlessly in agreement. Energized from his talk with DS, where he did most of the talking, Nakul finally thanks DS and leaves.

In Shaurya's office, which is now dark to set the mood for what's about to happen, he receives a call from DS challenging him to find out DS's phone number in 30 minutes.
An hour later, DS calls back declaring Shaurya has lost, but Shaurya recites his phone number, saying he only took 5 minutes.

DS is shocked that Shaurya could hack into the telecomm service in 5 minutes, but Shaurya explains he simply called up customer service and told them he was harassed by an unknown number.

In that case, why didn't he call back?

Shaurya reasons that if he didn't call back, DS would be the one feeling uneasy. Shaurya presses DS to explain why he keeps coming to them when he's a famous for being a top hacker who works alone.
DS just invites him to participate in the WCTF Hacking Contest which will start at midnight, and offers to work for their company for a year without salary if Shaurya wins.

The next morning, Pro Marketers workers walk into office with news that two Indian IPs broke the record at the WCTF Hacking Contest, with scores of 68 and 69 respectively.

Who won?

We aren't kept in suspense for very long as Shaurya announces that a new employee will be reporting today. The bros find out from Shaurya that the new employee is the one who hacked Nakul's computer, so Nakul gets ready with a mop to attack him when he shows up. DS walks through the door and everybody is confused.

Nakul : "Did anybody order delivery?"
Shaurya welcomes DS, finally realizing who he is, and says that waiving his salary isn't necessary.
DS insists on working for free as he doesn't go back on his words, so Shaurya cleverly says he will put it on Nakul's card.

Yep, he's totally guessed what is going on behind the scenes.

Shaurya gives Nakul the responsibility for handling DS since he was the one who recruited him. Cutie is eagerly showing DS around, and DS asks him if he's not angry anymore. Nakul says he initially was, but now that he thinks about it the situation is kinda exciting.
Next, he starts agonizing about where he would eat now that DS is his colleague and no longer his chef.

Laddoo walks into Shaurya's office to express sympathy that he and Anokhi are separated, and asks him out to dinner. Shaurya just ignores him and stalks off, and Laddoo calls after him to ask where he is going.
Shaurya grins, "Get married! Have kids!"

Turns out that Anokhi and Neil are marrying their tigers!

Is that incest?

The little tigers put their cute paws on the marriage certificate, and they're now husband and wife! Anokhi and Neil can now build a bridal chamber in their house for their pets. Anokhi is super excited and tells Shaurya she saw on the forums that when the pets move in together, there will be pink hearts coming out of the roof.

Shaurya says they can try. However, the game does not allow their tigers to do so because the tigers have not accumulated 150 hours online and are thus still minors.

LOL. What a game!

Anokhi tells Shaurya he can auto-follow while she takes their tigers around to accumulate hours. Bored, and figuring that Shaurya wouldn't be watching the screen while auto-following, Anokhi breaks out in a goofy dance to amuse herself.

Shaurya, of course, looks at his screen just as she's doing so, and takes a screenshot.

Anokhi has finally earned enough money to buy herself a new phone, and she walks into an Oppo store. The saleswoman offers to introduce the models to her, but she has already made up her mind and buys the exact same model as Shaurya's.

Belatedly realizing that Shaurya might laugh at her, she has an internal struggle about whether to exchange it, but finally decides to keep the phone and explain it as a coincidence.

On the way back, Anokhi wonders what her first message to Shaurya should be. It's the first message on a new phone, so it has to be meaningful. She settles on a scam message alerting Shaurya that he won a prize and asks him to pay $1000 in tax and handling fees.

Anokhi is giggling to herself while picturing Shaurya's possible reactions.

Over dinner, Anokhi is thinking about how to torment Shaurya, dreaming up of situations where she accuses him of ignoring her messages. She's still giggling at the dinner table when she gets a text.
She rushes to her phone and gapes in shock when she sees that Shaurya has deposited $1000 in her account.

Anokhi hastily excuses herself from the table and calls up Shaurya to explain that it's a scam, but Shaurya already knows - he has checked the location of the cell phone number and determined it's from the same city as hers. Anokhi asks if he checks all the cell numbers that send spam messages, and Shaurya clarifies that he only did because he thought the bank account number looked familiar.

But her card has only appeared in front of him once! Once again, Shaurya shows us that he has every talent under the sun.

Anokhi is frustrated, "Why did you send me money when you know it's a scam?"
"Anokhi, buy a private jet ticket back."
And so we see her packing her stuff the next day, telling her parents she was accepted for an "internship". They fuss over her like typical parents, but she assures them that she will be fine and staying temporarily at Parineeti's house.

After landing, Anokhi heads straight to Shaurya's office, thinking she would surprise him. She ends up being surprised instead when she finds Laddoo and another client, Director Fang, there on a Saturday.

Shaurya wordlessly takes her to his office and greets her with a passionate kiss. Anokhi is frozen on the spot, and the first thing she says after this kiss is, "The food on the private jet was so bad."

Shaurya leaves for a meeting with Director Fang after telling Anokhi to wait for him in the office. Anokhi is not in an obedient mood and decides to run away after freaking out and doing a weird spin.

On her way out, she has an internal struggle again, wondering if Shaurya would laugh at her actions. Just then, a deliveryman comes with food for Anokhi, giving her the perfect excuse to escape - she leaves a note saying that she has no change, and hence followed the deliveryman to his shop to pay for the food.

Shaurya is finally done with his meeting, but he comes back to an empty office and sees Anokhi's note. Finding her excuse to be insincere, he calls up Anokhi, who is already at Parineeti's place.
Shaurya wants her address so he can stop by, but Anokhi refuses to give it to him, saying that she's cleaning the place.

"Anokhi, are you embarrassed?" Shaurya asks. She grudgingly tells him where she is and demands he brings two bottles of apple juice before hanging up in a huff.
Shaurya arrives shortly after with the juice that Anokhi requested, and Anokhi greets him by putting a newspaper hat on his head.

Before he can say a word, she drags him into the kitchen and tells him not to come out before he's cleaned it. She then thanks him for the juice and relieves him of it, leaving him alone in the kitchen.

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