Episode : 5

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Ahir challenges Shaurya to basketball and loses. Anokhi, Neil, and bros also submit an entry to the film competition. Ahir's spy mistakes Reema's gaming ID for Weiwei's. Shaurya attends his father's history class and sits next to Anokhi, forcing them to have their first real life interaction.

Ahir challenges Shaurya to a 1v1, while everybody wonders why this Ahir dude looks like he wants to kill Shaurya. Of course, Shaurya beats him easily, playing with only half his skills. As he's about to leave, Rohit tells him Ahir is pursuing Anokhi Bhalla, and Shaurya is suddenly interested in another match, saying he went too easy on Ahir.

Laddoo: "I sense... a murderous aura." The game that ensues is highly satisfying to watch as Shaurya completely leaves Ahir in the dust.

Back at the girls' dorm, they have a fangirl session about Shaurya again, after hearing the news of Shaurya's return to school. Anokhi logs on to a message from Neil asking her to join the team to face off a super rare Boss.

At first, Anokhi watches from the sidelines, reasoning that this boss' attack powers will increase by 50% if both female and male players attack together due to jealousy.Nakul encourages her to participate in order to watch the boss flirt with female players.
The battle gave Anokhi some inspiration, and she also wants to participate in the game's video competition. The boys are immediately cooperative, and ask her about the details of the plot.

Anokhi narrates the Romeo and Juliet adaptation : A musician encounters a female bandit in the forests of the mountain. She kidnaps him, treats him very well, and eventually falls for him. The female bandit tells him that she was born to a family of bandits, and all she ever knew was to cheat and steal. However, she also wish she were like the ladies who live at the foot of the mountains, raising chickens and ducks and living peacefully.
The musician was unhappy, however, so the female bandit finally set him free. She couldn't bear to leave him, so she secretly followed behind him as he left. The musician runs into a demon on the way, and the female bandit saves him, only to get injured in the process. Soon after, the musician finally accepts the female bandit, and they get married.
Their happy days didn't last, however, as the musician's people come barging in one day to eliminate all the thieves in the lair. Finally, the musician kills the female bandit, believing that death is kinder fate to her.

Anokhi asks if they should have the musician realize that he's fallen in love with the bandit and jump off the cliff to join her. Shaurya likes the idea and tells her to proceed. Anokhi gets up early to record the video with the boys. At the scene where they run into the female bandit, Anokhi rattles off a poem, "I cleared these mountains, I planted these trees. Leave a man here, and you can go free!"

Laddoo literally falls off his chair laughing, and Squirrel conveys his reaction to Anokhi. This prompts her to ask if they all live together. Squirrel says they're all part of the same dorm, and Anokhi is surprised but pleased to hear that The Legend Neil is a student like her. The boys complain to their sister-in-law that Neil never comes back at night, or even in the day, so Neil tells them to hide their smelly socks as he's coming back to stay for the semester. "Don't come back!"

They each say, one after another."Do boys really not wash their socks for weeks at a time?" Anokhi inquires while pinching her nose cutely. Laddoo defensively clarifies that this is normal for boys in science and engineering, and Third bro is the abnormal one for not having a single pair smelly socks.Anokhi then asks if they're studying computer science since they mentioned hacking other people before. Laddoo confirms her deductions, and Anokhi says she's studying CS too.
But Shaurya already knows that, of course.

Squirrel wonders if Anokhi could be one of their shimei (female underclassman), and Nakul says it's possible 'she' could be a 'he'. Hoho, Shaurya knows what you guys don't!Back to the video, before they digressed, Anokhi asks for their opinion of her dialogue.

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