Untitled Part 18

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Now that the couple has had their first kiss, it's time turn up the skinship! Shaurya and Anokhi kiss again in the rain, and later Anokhi has a dream about seducing Shaurya in her red dress. Anokhi begins working at Shaurya's company as an intern and works hard on the task Vineet assigns to her.

After working hard cleaning the house, our favorite couple goes out for a lunch on a sunny day, only to have the sky in dramaland suddenly pour so that they can stand dramatically close together while seeking shelter.

Shaurya: "Ever since you came back, it feels like the weather got better too." And... they have their second kiss!

Anokhi is embarrassed, saying that they're in the middle of the street and there may be onlookers. We see that there are - it's a pair of twin girls smiling goofily at them.
Anokhi grabs Shaurya's hand and they run far away to a park. It's suddenly sunny again and Shaurya is dry again.

At the park, Anokhi tells him about her plan to work as an intern for his company. Shaurya tells her that his company has very high standards, so Anokhi asks what he wants her to do.
"Bribe me," Shaurya says. Anokhi readily suggests treating him to dinner, but Shaurya turns her down, "I'm sorry, other than my wife's beauty, I don't accept other forms of bribing."

So... he wants her to prostitute herself?
Time for the seduction scene!
Anokhi walks into Shaurya's office in her stunning red dress, but breaks the fourth wall halfway by asking the director if this scene is really necessary.
The director responds by saying this is what was written in the original novel so she has to act it out. She tries the seduction scene again, eventually get Shaurya to respond by kissing her. Cut! It was all just a dream.

Anokhi is embarrassed that her brain came up with such a dream sequence. As she's brushing her teeth, Reema calls. She'll be moving in with Anokhi soon and then starting her internship at Arora Tech.
Just then, Anokhi spots a familiar handsome boy waiting downstairs. She quickly wraps up her call. It's time to go to work!

Anokhi arrives downstairs in a white blouse and black skirt, and Shaurya is wearing a white collared shirt and black slacks.

Classy work-appropriate couple outfits!

They walk through campus hand in hand, drawing stares from everyone as usual. They stop outside the office, and Anokhi tells Shaurya that she wants to enter separately.

Vineet runs by the pair before abruptly backtracking to stare at Anokhi. He's horrified to learn that she's the new intern and when he notices their holding hands, he stumbles away in shock.
Shaurya explains that Vineet used to have a phobia of women but at least he held it together alright in front of his wifey.

The employees are gathered, gossiping about the Boss's girlfriend, but quickly scatter when Shaurya and Anokhi walk in, still holding hands. Looks like Anokhi wasn't able to convince him of her idea to enter separately. Shaurya leaves Anokhi to Laddoo for orientation.

Laddoo introduces the five departments: programming, management, game testing, art, and administration. Laddoo says casually calls Shaurya "your hubby," and Anokhi is delighted. Speaking of names, Anokhi notices that everyone calls Shaurya "Boss" or "Big Brother," as if they're in the mafia and he's the head. Laddoo confirms that their culture is like the mafia.

In the programming department, we meet the A-team which consists of three godly programmers not including Shaurya. There's DS, one of the best hackers in the country. Then there's Vineet, whom Laddoo advises Anokhi to avoid at all costs. Finally, to Anokhi's slight surprise, there's Nakul.

For her first assignment, Laddoo asks Anokhi to shadow Vineet.

Umm, but didn't you just tell her to avoid him?

Vineet shakes his head vehemently and he begins to plead with Laddoo, but Laddoo just grins and disappears. Anokhi introduces herself nicely, but Vineet's face is one of sheer terror and he stammers that he refuses to mentor her.
Anokhi kindly says she'll stay out of his way and he can call her if he needs her. As she walks away, Vineet mutters that women working in tech just mess everything up.

Anokhi hears this and calls him out : how can he know she'll mess up when he hasn't even assigned her any work?
Nakul chimes in in agreement.
When asked, DS grunts that he always has Nakul's back.

Yay for allies of women in STEM!

Faced with this pressure, Vineet literally throws a booklet at Anokhi and tells her to solve the problem. There are a couple phones that are incompatible with their game, and Anokhi is to analyze the issue and write up a report by noon tomorrow. If she doesn't do well, she can just not come to work.
After this mean spiel, Vineet sits down, exhausted because being rude and misogynistic is tiring stuff.

Anokhi sits down at a desk near Laddoo and Squirrel, who cheer her on. She soon finds out her task isn't so simple as most of the phones are near obsolete and would cost a bomb to obtain. Meanwhile, Nakul is feeling unfair on Anokhi's behalf and goes to tattle to Shaurya, but Shaurya just tells him to get back to work.

Anokhi eats with Laddoo and the bros as Shaurya has a lunch meeting. Nakul and Squirrel tell Laddoo off for letting Vineet oversee Anokhi, but Laddoo explains this is part of his elaborate plan to get Vineet used to girls again so they can have girls in their office.

Squirrel insists that Vineet is being difficult on purpose, asking Anokhi to run compatibility tests on obsolete phones and giving such a short timeline. The bros want to go to Shaurya for help, but Anokhi refuses to bother him with such a trivial matter, saying that doing so will only give Vineet more reason to look down on IT girls. She has an idea to get him to re-evaluate his prejudices.

You go girl!

They run into Shaurya on their way back to the office, and Anokhi asks to borrow his bicycle. Shaurya hands her the keys to his office, telling her to retrieve the bicycle keys by herself.
This causes Laddoo and the bros to start badmouthing Shaurya in front of Anokhi. "How can he just hand over the keys so easily? What if Third Sis is a spy?"

Anokhi gets back late, and everyone other than Shaurya has already left. They get food delivered to the office and talk about Anokhi's first assignment over dinner.
Anokhi boasts that she has procured all the phones with $500 left, and is looking for praise for saving the company money. Shaurya says there's nothing to praise, since the a fraction of the money she saves will belong to her in the future.

Anokhi then thanks him for his thoughtfulness in assigning her to Vineet, since it would be awkward for him to supervise her directly. Shaurya tells his wife that she is overthinking it - he only assigned her to Laddoo to save himself trouble.
This earns him a smack on the shoulder and gets his Cheese removed from his plate.

Our heroine works late, testing the game conscientiously on each of the phones.
The next day, she humbly presents her report and all her phones to Vineet, who jumps back in shock when she approaches his table.

Anokhi texts Shaurya to remind him to get lunch and informs him that she will be leaving to pick up Reema today. They do a cute salute signal to each other.

Vineet is grudgingly satisfied with Anokhi's report, thinking that she is indeed Shaurya's wife. He panicks when he receives a call, agreeing to meet the caller later.

Hmm, something fishy is going on.

Meanwhile, Anokhi and Reema reunite at the bus stop.

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