Untitled Part 27

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Reema sets a trap for Shagun and Kitty, and Shagun learns a lesson about true friendship. Shaurya and Anokhi go on a date for Chinese Valentine's Day, during which Shaurya has a eureka moment. The boys go shopping for suits. Anokhi meets Shaurya's parents, and they help her move back into her dorm.

Reema enthusiastically jumps up to greet Anokhi, acting like it was a coincidence to see her here. She pulls Anokhi to sit with them an introduces them to Shagun and Kitty, saying they're her good friends from interning together at Arora Tech and they offered to treat her to a meal.

Anokhi acts shocked that they would treat Reema to a meal since Reema eats so much, and compliments them sincerely for their big hearts. Kitty is confused by Reema's high spirits around Anokhi, "Aren't you heartbroken?" "Yes!" Reema wails, "My Virat! Why did you have to marry Anushka ? And they even had a kid 'Vamika'! My heart hurts so much!"

Anokhi looks at Reema pitifully, "Poor child, it's been so many years and she still hasn't gotten over it." Kitty starts to realize that she might have been duped. Reema puts an arm around Anokhi protectively, "Listen up! Anokhi is my good friend!"
Shagun looks absolutely flabbergasted and Reema urges Anokhi to eat too. Anokhi turns her down, unable to resist a last jab at Shagun, "After all, not every person is interested in other people's food."

Shagun abruptly gets up to stomp off, but not before Reema gets the waitress to stop her to pick up the check. Kitty runs after Shagun and attempts to console her, but Shagun gets onto a cab and leaves her behind.

Anokhi also drags Reema out of the restaurant, telling her to have some dignity and offering to buy her food. On their way out, Anokhi sees Vineet getting into a car.

Shouldn't he be in office?

Shagun has calmed down slightly and tells the driver to turn around to get Kitty. When she reaches the intersection Kitty is at, she hears Kitty bitching about her and wishing nobody ever likes her. So what if Shagun is pretty and rich? She's still stupid for letting Kitty push her around.

Shagun changes her mind and drives off without Kitty, looking longingly at Anokhi and Reema who are talking and giggling on the sidewalk when she passes them.

Anokhi is taking care of Pro Marketers's lunch orders, and the delivery man expresses concerns about the legitimacy of their company, pointing towards Nakul sitting at the office entrance with rocker hair and looking like a hobo.
Anokhi explains that his upright hair acts like antennas that receive inspiration, and this explanation seems to satisfy him somewhat.

Shaurya and DS are still stuck on the optimization tool and have only been sleeping three hours a day. Anokhi is concerned that Shaurya and DS are holed up in their offices without eating, so she holds up the food and tries to catch his eye. Shaurya nods almost imperceptibly.
When Shaurya finally gets around to eating, Anokhi has fallen asleep waiting for him. He wants to bring her to the flower market after she wakes up, and doesn't answer his employees when they ask where he's going.

They reach a fancy mall complex that is largely desolate, and Shaurya is surprised since it is Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day).
He hasn't taken Anokhi out all summer and hence is doing so now, but Anokhi complains about his insincerity. Shaurya counters that she hasn't taken him out either, and even forgot about Qixi.

Anokhi apologizes, and they take a romantic walk around.
Shaurya walks by a promotional poster with some 1's and 0's on it, and suddenly he's thinking in binary, "I've got it!" He drags Anokhi to a random restaurant where she gets to stare at him while he scribbles on back of a menu.

Anokhi doesn't let the waitress disturb him and signals their order nonverbally. Anokhi has finished her cake before Shaurya is done scribbling his very advanced mathematics so she starts eating his cake too.
Finally, she falls asleep in his car, too tired from going on a date with herself, and he carries her princess style to the bed before resuming work on his computer.

When Anokhi gets to work the next day, everybody is crowded around Shaurya's office while he tests the program that he finished overnight. The tense atmosphere quickly turns joyous as the test is a success, and Nakul ecstatically declares that he will sleep 100 hours now.

Only Vineet looks nervous as hell.

Shaurya's inner circle, which unfortunately includes Vineet, will attend the demo presentation tomorrow in Delhi, whereas the other minions will get 2 weeks of paid vacation.
Shaurya asks for any last minute feedback before their big presentation, and the art director suggests they clean up their image. He clarifies that this doesn't apply to Shaurya, of course, since he's already good looking.

Hence, we are treated to a scene of the boys going suit shopping!
Vineet bows out, saying he already has formal wear and he isn't feeling well.

Anokhi accompanies the boys, and they immediately start fighting over who gets the best suit in the store and who is the most handsome. Shaurya's bros asks Anokhi to be the judge of the pageant that they have going on, and while she's thinking of a diplomatic response, DS walks out of the changing room. "DS is so handsome!" Anokhi blurts out, while Nakul starts fussing over DS's collar and suit buttons.

Anokhi comments to Shaurya that DS does look quite attractive in a suit, and he's finally had enough. He tells her to compare it to when she sees him in a suit, and gets up to change. Anokhi immediately calls up Reema to summon her over to look at hot guys try on suits.

Shaurya is done changing, and walks out looking all handsome and sparkly. Anokhi gapes, and hangs up on Reema without giving her the address saying she can't bear to let her look now.

The mood turns ominous as Vineet calls GM Jagtap to tell him Shaurya has succeeded. GM Jagtap just tells Vineet to take care of himself as he already has other plans prepared.

Shaurya is preparing for his flight and Anokhi is packing up to get ready to move back into the dorms when the doorbell rings. Shaurya's dad barges in babbling about his Noodles and Vinni, while his mum follows closely after, nagging exasperatedly at him to stop running since his art won't sprout legs and run off. Both of them freeze in their tracks when they see Anokhi in the living room.

While Shaurya sends Anokhi to serve tea, Daddy is busy examining his paintings while Mummy asks him if his art is more important than his daughter-in-law.
She's about to give Shaurya the sex talk when he cuts her off and explains the context behind Anokhi moving in, adding that he's been sleeping at the office all this while.

Mummy wants to say more, prefacing her lecture with "it's not that us parents are not open-minded...", but is interrupted by Daddy who asks exasperatedly if she supports them or opposes them.
She shushes him and tells him to get back to his paintings, prompting him to point out the contradiction to her earlier demand for him to focus on his daughter-in-law.

Shaurya tells them he will be in the kitchen until they come to an agreement. Anokhi is freaking out over appearing like one of those wanton girls, but Shaurya assures her that they will only think that he's the wanton one.
He suggests that she can pretend to be the victim in this situation, and chases her off to serve tea to her mother-in-law.

Daddy and Mummy invite her warmly to sit down, and Professor Shaan praises her paper. Anokhi starts to explain that she's only staying here on short notice as there were issues with her original place, but Mummy Aastha has already heard the explanation from her son and for the third time today starts to go on about how they're not close-minded as parents.

Shaurya chooses this moment to announce that he needs to get to the airport, but not before shoving Anokhi's hands into his mum's and telling them to take her back to the dorms. Anokhi looks horrified and makes a grab for Shaurya's arm as he gets up to leave, but isn't able to extricate herself from the situation.

Thus, the two professors walk Anokhi back to her dorm, setting off a new wave of campus gossip about Anokhi being sent to school by her in-laws.
She calls Shaurya as soon as she gets back, inducing a few gags and cheeky imitations from her roommates.

Parineeti starts to grill Reema and Anokhi on why they fought, and Reema attempts to divert the attention away from her by pointing out what's important is where Anokhi stayed after the fight.
This sends Parineeti and Mithai chasing Anokhi around the dorm for juicy details.

The next day, Reema convinces Anokhi to accompany her to collect her internship wage from Arora Tech.
Before leaving, she makes a quick trip to the bathroom, and runs straight into Ahir.

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