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My body jolted up as the air filled my lungs

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My body jolted up as the air filled my lungs. My eyes were blurry but when they finally focused, I realized I was in a hospital bed. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I turned to the monitor that continued its incredibly annoying beeping.

"Shut that thing up," I mumbled. Carefully, I swung my legs over the bed and looked down at the marble floor below my feet. The false lights above me caused me to squint my eyes in pain.

I raked my brain for any memory of how I got here in the first place. But, nothing seemed to come to mind. Then, I grabbed the cords from my arms and ripped them off quickly, hissing as I felt the needles being ripped out.

My throat burned from the lack of water in my system and I found myself staggering towards the bathroom before I could stop myself. I gulped down the water as much as I possibly could before wiping my mouth and standing up straight, making eye contact with myself in the mirror.

My heart dropped in my chest as I looked at my reflection. I didn't believe what I saw and even moved my hand around in the air to make sure what I had been seeing was true.

I knew my name, I knew what I looked like the last time I looked in the mirror. But the reflection looking back at me seemed different. She seemed younger. She no longer had any stress lines, my hair was longer than when I last remembered and my eyes didn't seem as tired, probably from the long-needed sleep I had gotten.

Gently, I touched my face, feeling the soft skin tickle my fingers. I then moved to my hair, feeling it to be silky and smooth. The door behind me burst open and I jerked to see what had just interrupted me. A man and a woman stared back at me in delight.

"Marley! You're awake!" They gasped.

BAHAHA!! Okay so you know the drill. None of the universe is mine unless I change it to fit our character. And as usual. IM NOT TELLING THE LOVE INTEREST. most bc I don't know...BUT a lot of people were asking in my last story and I strictly mentioned you wouldn't know towards the end.

This will be slow burn because that's what I do.

Any questions or suggestions either DM or comment :) I'll most likely see it quicker if you DM.

Started 11.03.22

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