Our Lesson

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"Okay, I need you to try again." Remus says. I sigh and wipe the sweat off my face. The last couple days have been harder to focus than others.

After the quidditch World Cup, I couldn't stop thinking about the prophecy.

How could Harry be so confident that I wouldn't turn out bad like everyone guessed.

I close my eyes and think of an bad moment. One that would make me cry or make me very angry. I took a deep breath and focused on the memory from last night.

I thought of my mother and what had happened to her. How I didn't even know why she did what she did to herself and couldn't help but feel partially to blame.

I heard bottles clink around me but I tried to keep it closed.

"Marely, remember, hold it in your chest and use the power for something else." Remus reminded. I nodded and did as told. The clinking stopped and I opened my eyes, candles from around the house were now lit and floating around us.

"Very good!" Remus said happily. I smiled and clapped his hand before turning to the loud thud beside us.

An owl had flown into the window.

I gasped and rushed over quickly.

"It's from Ron!" I tell Remus. He laughed and walked over to the kitchen to make food.

Dear Mar, I can't wait to see you lot in a couple days. It's been too long. I know you said you're training with Remus but everyone here misses you. Is the training going well? I saw that you sent your bags over early today and I had to hide them in my room so Fred and George couldn't mess with you. He misses you..a lot. He talks about you all the time. You should ask Remus if you can come over today. I know it's a couple days early but it's your birthday and I wanted to give your present to you in person.

Love, Ron.

"Hey, Remus?" I called. He didn't answer.

"Hello?" I turned around and saw him holding a birthday cake. He sung the song, really out of tune and I smiled widely nonetheless. He was beaming as he looked between the cake and I. A flash of another happy time like this made my stomach churn but I pushed it away when I saw just how happy Remus was.

"Make a wish!" I closed my eyes and blew out the candles.

"I can't believe your 17...you're really old for your year, you know?" I nodded and laughed.

"Memory loss problems, I guess." Remus chuckled, shaking his head as he placed the cake onto the nearest table and grabbed a box from under the couch.

"You said that was your brothers present."

"I don't have a brother but you wouldn't stop snooping so I had to lie to you." I laughed and opened it.

It was a moving picture of Remus, Lily, Sirius, My mother and James blowing out candles on a cupcake for someones birthday before they all laughed and hugged.

Tears filled my eyes as I hugged the picture tightly.

"Thank you." I got up and hugged him. He pulled away and held my face in his hands.

"I made a promise to my frriends and your mother and they'd be mad that I let you out of my sight when you weren't in Hogwarts but Molly already sent me a letter and you're going over there today. Well..." he checked his watch and widened his eyes.

"Right now." He grabbed some things that I would need and put it in my backpack.

"Okay you know what to say. I'll see you for Christmas. Send me letters." He hugged me once again and I walked towards the fireplace.

I stood inside and waved him a final goodbye before throwing the dust on the floor.

In a matter of seconds I was at the Weasley house fireplace.

I walked through the building that was surprisingly quiet. The only sound could be heard from the knitting needles and yarn on the lazy boy and the dishs being scrubbed harshly in the kitchen.

I looked over at the wall and saw the new additions to the family pictures combined with the old ones. Pictures of the Weasley kids when they were young were hung neatly beside the news ones we had taken last school year.

A picture of Harry and I dancing in the living room hung right next to a picture of Ron and I asleep together on the couch. I felt myself smiling but soon growing concerned that no one had yet to notice my presence.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and walked into the living room.

"Surprise!" I jumped at the shouting but smiled when I realized what they had done.

"Guys.." I said laughing.

"Happy birthday, dear." Molly said coming to hug me. I smiled and looked around for the twins but I didn't see him.

"The boys aren't here because they're at your other surprise. Come on." Molly comes up behind me and I placed a blindfold around my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but ignored it.

"What's going on." I laughed. She didn't reply. Once my feet hit wood I stopped.

"Keep them closed." Molly said happily. She let go of my eyes and walked around me.

"Okay, open!" When I opened my eyes I saw Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, Remus, and Sirius all in a group with many more people.

"Happy birthday!" They yelled. I covered my mouth and looked at the large tent that surrounded me. It was a rather large tent, a wooden floor was below my feet as well as a load of chairs and tables on the left hand side.

Mason jars floated in the air, my favorite color burning into the center of them. From where I stood I could see a food and drink table in the back of the tent, all of my favorite foods and drinks covered the object.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

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