Ideas for a Heroine

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"Take her!" A man yelled. My head throbbed from the trauma and it felt painful to open my eyes. So I kept them closed.

"Is this the right one?" The man holding me asked. I felt the man lift my sleeve to right below my shoulder.

"Aparecium." The man grumbled. A slight pinch ripped through my body, causing me to groan slightly.

"It's her. She's got the mark she does." The same man replied.

A mark?

The man holding me dropped me onto the ground harshly, enabling me to open my eyes from the sudden pain.

As I looked around, I noticed a group of people standing around me in a circle, all covered in black with scary masks on.

"Where is he, girl?" A man said harshly, I jumped at his tone and continued to look around.

A painful jolt ripped through my cheek as the man struck me before he grabbed my face in his hands harshly.

"Where is he!" He asked again. I chuckled slightly and looked into his eyes.

"Who?" I questioned innocently. The man huffed and leaned back, holding his hand before he struck me once again.

I hissed in pain before looking back at him.

"Are you gonna be easy or hard today, doll?" He chuckled.

I responded by spitting in his face. The man hesitated for a second, letting the reality that was my saliva sink in before he laughed.

"You're just like your mum." With that, the man struck me again.


"No, I mean, he didn't talk to me..per se...he just." Hermione widened her eyes and loooed at me to mimic the awkward interaction she had with Krum in the library."

I laughed and covered my mouth when I saw people turn over and look at me.

"Are you sure he doesn't want to eat you?" I joked, shoving a grape in my mouth.

"You know, I'm not quite sure." She jokes back, causing us both to giggle.

I turned to look at Harry and Ron who gossiped as they watched different people put their name in.

"Are you going to put your name in?" Hermione asked.

"Of course not," I scoffed, "It's a death trap." Our conversation was interrupted as a chorus of shouts and laughs entered the room.

"Oh, here comes the golden boy now." Hermione teases. I simply rolled my eyes and turned to find him in the crowd of fans.

They dispersed just as he entered the ring, holding the paper.

"Kill the spare!" My throat closed as I watched him get closer to the cup.

He turned and found me before flashing his charming smile.

I couldn't help but smile back at his boyish charm before he tossed his name in. My stomach turned. I tried to ignore the looks I got from the people around us as they watched our exchange.

"Mar." A voice called, coming closer.

I looked back up again to see Cedric towering over me.

"Come on." He said, holding out his hand.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Come on." He laughed, gesturing for me to take his hand.

"Go, I'll be okay here." Hermione ushered. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand before stealing a glance at Cho. She was looking at me with a slight glare before I turned away and rushed off with Cedric.

We didn't stop running until we were in the hallways leading to the square. The rain was pouring and some of it started to flood on to the stone floor.

"What are we doing?" I asked, allowing him to drop my hand and walk ahead slightly. Cedric turned around and walked backwards to talk to me, smiling as he did.

"Just talking. I feel like I've missed too much over the last couple weeks." I chuckled and stepped in a puddle.

"Tell me about your mum." He said. I was taken back by the statement and looked down at my hands, seeing the blue bracelet around my wrist.

"I don't know too much about her. She died when I was younger." I shrugged, picturing the dark haired woman.

"I'm sorry..what was the last memory you had of her?" He asked. I hesitated, rummaging through my thoughts before finding one that wasn't really important, but it was the best thing I had.

"I was about ten. She and my father had just gotten into a fight and she took me out for ice cream as some sort of apology. We were sitting on one of the benches and it was a windy day. Her dark hair was flowing in the wind and her blue eyes looked...violet almost when in the sun. I thought that she looked like a princess. When I told her as much she smiled and looked at me." I said, smiling as I remembered the moment.

"She grabbed my hand and asked if I'd like to be a princess some day...I remember smiling and nodding to her like it was some sort of game." Cedric was looking at me but I couldn't find it in myself to look back.

"She said all I had to do was close my eyes and think of her and I could be anything I wanted." I closed my eyes, thinking of that moment and feeling my body grow warm despite the cold rain around us.

"What happened next?" I opened my eyes and looked at him, frowning suddenly.

"We went home and a couple hours later she was dead." I shrugged.

Dear Moony, Mentor,
The dreams are coming back. My symptoms are getting worse. I miss you and Padfoot. I think it's happening, and I think it's happening now.

I held the letter out to the owl with a smile. The moonlight gleamed on her feathers like a diamond and her beak looked perfectly polished.

"Hello, Peaks. Take this to Mooney, yeah?" The owl closed her eyes slowly in agreement before taking the letter in her talons and flying off quickly.

I stayed in the owls tower for a little longer, dreading the thought of sleep because I knew what dreams were in store for me.

"What are you doing here?" A voice called, I let out a gasp and turned quickly to see Fred standing at the top of the steps.

" scared me." I chuckled, holding my chest. His face remained blank as he walked past me and towards his owl.

"I couldn't sleep. What about you?" I questioned.

"Same." He mumbled. I frowned and looked at him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, slightly stepping forward to try and see him clearer.

"Fine." Fred quickly spun around and bolted past me.

"Fred." I called to him. But, his descending footsteps told me he wasn't coming back.

My heart felt heavy in my chest as I went through the possible reasons of his anger. He hasn't been this cold to me since I arrived at Hogwarts. But I figured I'd got him to warm up to me by now. I couldn't lose anyone right now. I couldn't lose Fred, and I couldn't lose Cedric.

I'm quite positive I would rain hellfire if someone even bumped into Harry. But there wasn't much I could do in this world. I only got flashes of what happened now, not like last time.


But I do know one thing. I know Cedric is in trouble, Harry too. So I know what I have to do.

I need to make the right decision.

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