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Voldemort turned and began to swallow in the scenery around him. His eyes found Cedric and he began to walk over.

"Aw..such a handsome boy.."

"Don't touch him!" I shouted, standing up only to fall down once again.

"Marley...Harry...I had almost forgotten you were here." He said, walking over to us with a sinister smile.

"Standing at the bones of my father..yeah..I'd introduce you, but word has it you're almost as famous as me." Voldemort roughly grabbed me by the hair and yanked me into his chest.

"Leave her alone!" Harry yelled, fighting back again the grave holding him. Voldemort merely chuckled and let go of my hair. But his hold on my body stayed.

"The boy who lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago. How I truly lost my powers.." Voldemort brought my over towards his followers and shoved me into the arms of Lucius Malfoy, who was almost gentle as he held me.

"It was love.." My eyes looked over at Mr. Rowens but he kept his eyes trained on the dark lord. But I knew he saw me.

"You're a coward." I spit to him, trying to fight against Lucius's arms. Mr. Rowen didn't move, but by the way his stance faltered and how he looked at the ground I knew he heard me.

When I looked over once again Voldemort was standing in front of Harry.

"I..can..touch you now.." Voldemort raised his hand, and I fought again to try and get free. Lucius held me, but suddenly let go.

"Stop!" I shrieked, rushing forward just as Voldemort placed his long finger on to Harry's head.

The pain surged through my body and I fell to my knees with a cry. Now Harry, Voldemort and I all cried together in pain.

It felt as if I was taking a needle and carelessly scraping it against my skin over and over again before I itched it. It had been a dull pain, but pain either way.

Finally, Voldemort pulled away. He turned around and saw me on the ground before giggling.

"Lily and Maggie were stupid enough to make the bond.." He whispered, looking down at me as I lay on the ground.

"Doesn't change the fact that I can kick your ass." I spit, crinkling my nose at him. He didn't flinch at my words.

"Maybe now. But your filthy whore mother couldn't keep you away from me forever." He spit back. The rage filled my body and I sat up to grab him. But that was a mistake. Two death eaters grabbed my arms and held me in my place.

"The beauty about sires is that their power isn't theirs. Someone could easily steal it." I looked over at Harry who was already staring at me.

His eyes softened when he realized that I already knew what Voldemort was talking about.

"I'm a generous man, Marley. So I'm going to give you a choice I didn't give your mother." I looked back at him and flinched as he took his nail and drug it across my cheek.

"Either you willingly surrender to me..bend the knee and show your loyalty..or I rip the essence from your very body and leave you the pathetic little girl you are."

"I never bend the knee." I said, spitting in his face.

Voldemort chuckled and wiped the spit from his face.

"Funny...that's exactly what your mother said." And I watched as he took his wand and shoved it in my stomach, drawing blood.

Harry and I both cried out in pain.

Voldemort grew excited as he looked at his wand and I followed his eyes, seeing a silver blue liquid begin to mix in with my red blood.

Before I could even breath, I felt the air being ripped from my chest, I let out a blood curdling shriek and would've fell to my knees if it weren't for the men holding on to me.

"Please!" I cried through the pain. My skin felt as if it were drying up and the blood was being sucked from my veins.

I looked over at Harry who was sobbing and bending over as if he were feeling my pain.

Then suddenly, they let go. I fell onto the ground and a wheezed breath escaped from my chest. Voldemort cackled and raised his wand, showing the sliver blue liquid now dripping towards his elbow.

The snake like man licked the substance from his arm and sighed in relief, feeling the power of the essence filling his own veins.

I had to look away. My head turned just in time to see Cedric's lifeless eyes staring back at me and it all went dark.


I was awoken

I was weak.

I couldn't hold myself up. All I could do was look at my hand that was holding Cedric's. I could almost imagine his fingers interlocking with mine and his charming smile tickling my chest.

Harry was now sobbing in my shoulder. His hands refused to let go of my waist as my back was pressed against his chest. The music stopped and Dumbledore ran to me and Harry, trying to pull us apart. Harry cried and pushed the old man away.

"Marley?" Dumbledore asked, grabbing my face and looking between my eyes. He grabbed a strand of my hair and for the first time I saw fear in his eyes.

"For god sakes, Dumbledore. What's happened?!" Fudge asked, running up just to freeze when he saw me.

"He's back! Voldemorts back!" Harry cried, gripping me tighter.

"Cedric. He asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave them. Not there." Harry cried loudly.

"It's alright, Harry.." Dumbledore soothed.

"The body must be moved, Dumbledore. Too many people." Another said, reaching for Cedric.

"Don't touch him." I hissed, leaping forward and pushing them all away.

"That's my son! That's my boy!" I heard Amos yell, falling to his knees to look at Cedric. I started crying again and watched as Amos touched his young son's face, crying loudly as I held onto his arm.

I looked over to see Harry's cries cut short. Moody had Harry by his shoulders and was leading him back.

"Harry!" I jumped up and rushed for him only to be grabbed as well.

"Leave him alone!" I yelled again, fighting past the persons grasp. I stumbled slightly, feeling the weakness grow once again.

"Sleep." A voice muttered, and then it all went black.

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