She's Far Too Powerful~Of Course, She's A Woman

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"This is ridiculous!" I yelled through the pouring rain

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"This is ridiculous!" I yelled through the pouring rain. There was a jacket that covered Hermione and I in the stands, considering a umbrella would just be ripped away.

"Wait until this is you!" Ron called over the downpour. I nearly laughed until I saw a bludger get sent straight toward Cedric.

I squeezed Hermione's hand fearfully and watched as he barely missed it, earning me a sigh of relief. A feeling coursed through my body. Almost like the feeling you get when you walk into a room and forget what you went in there for.

A ringing echoed in my ears before my vision flashed into something else.

Harry chased after the snitch, dodging dementors as he did. But before he could get too far, a dementor closed him off and sucked at his soul. Harry then tumbled to the ground.

"Harry!" I yelled, watching as he was lost into the clouds.

"What's wrong, Marley?" Hermione asked.

"Dementors inside the grounds, they're coming for Harry." I quickly pushed past a group of people and took off towards the teacher's benches, hoping to get to them in time.

When I got there, I saw Dumbledore talking to a professor beside him, not even noticing the game in front of him.

"Professor!" I yelled loudly, pushing more people through. He still seemed to be in the conversation.

Screams echoed throughout the stadium and I jerked my head to see Harry falling through the air. I turned to Dumbledore hoping he at least heard the screams from the hundreds of people.

But he didn't.

It was up to me.

I looked at Harry again and held out my hand.

"Aresto momentum!" I yelled. Harry stopped mid-air.

The crowd went silent.

"Get him!" I yelled as Fred zoomed past me. Fred grabbed Harry before lowering him down to the ground.

When I looked back over at Dumbledore I saw him looking back at me with a smile.

"Cedric Diggory has caught the snitch. Hufflepuff wins!" Lee yelled loudly in the background. I ignored the announcement and rushed down to meet with Harry.


I hadn't left Harry's side. After the game ended, our friends had come to check on him.

"He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" Ron asked. I rolled my eyes at his comment and finished cleaning the blood off of his face.

"Peaky?" Fred asked.

"What'd you expect. He fell over a hundred feet." George added.

"No, he didn't. Marley caught him before he got too far. He shouldn't look so pale. That's all I'm saying." Ron argued.

"Come on, Ron. Let's walk you off the astronomy tower-" Fred began.

"And see what you look like." Both twins finished.

"Probably a right side better then he usually does." We heard from the bed. I smiled and grabbed the water by his table before handing it to him.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Brilliant." Harry shrugged, taking a sip of the water.

"You gave us a right good scare there, mate." George told him.

"What happened?" Harry questioned.

"Well, you fell off your broom..." Ron said as if it wasn't obvious.

"I meant the match. Who won." We all looked at each other solemnly. Hermione stood up and walked over beside me.

"Uhm, no one blames you, Harry. The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as Marley saved you, he sent them straight off." She informed.

"Marley? What do you.." Harry asked, turning to me in confusion.

"She used wandless magic." Neville piped in, looking at me with wide eyes.

"You're lucky she did, mate. Or you'd be as flat as a pancake right about now." Fred defended. I sent him a look before smiling back at Harry.

"Dumbledore pardoned her because she was doing it to save you, but the next time she uses wandless magic she could be in a lot of trouble." Hermione said.


"Wandless magic for Hogwarts students isn't taught and the ministry thinks it's too dangerous for someone our age to not have to use a wand. The books that talk about it are only in the restricted section because they don't want us using it." I explained, not even knowing most of this information myself until Dumbledore talked to me about it.

"There's something else you should know too, Harry.." Ron said, holding the boys broken broom in his hands.

"When you fell, your broom sort of fell into the whomping willow and well, it's uh.." Ron pulled it from the blanket to show just how broken it actually was.

Harry groaned and threw his head back onto the bed.

"Alright, alright." We heard a small voice say. Madam Pomfrey pushed us all aside and brought a cup to Harry.

"He needs some more rest but he'll be out by supper time. Run along, all of you." She said, waving us off.

"Bye, Harry." I smiled and went to turn but felt him grab my wrist. When I looked down at him, he sent me a smile of appreciation.

"Thank you for everything, Marley." I ruffled his hair and took Hermione's hand before we all walked back to the common room.

The boys instantly made their way upstairs.

"I don't think so." I called to them. The boys groaned and Instantly turned and walked back towards me.

"Why do we have to do this?" George groaned, taking the first seat in front of me as I summoned a wet rag and began cleaning the paint off of his face.

"Do you want to break out? Or get an infection in your eye? It's not the greatest feeling, Georgie." I explained.

He sighed once again but remained silent.

"Oh, Marley, since you missed lunch to sit with Harry, you missed the letter that came for you." Angelina said, coming to sit on the couch beside George.

"Who's it from?" I asked. George got up and Fred sat down as well.

"Let me see." Fred said. Angelina handed him the paper and opened it as I began to clean his face as well.

"Dear Marilyn.." Fred snickered to which I smacked him with the wet rag.

"Evil woman." He mumbled.

"Go on." I ordered.

"Dear Marilyn, I wish to have a word with you during your next free period. Please let me know when that is and we can arrange a meeting-Professor Lupin," The group "ooo'd" loudly causing me to roll my eyes with a laugh.

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