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I'm going to start this by saying that I don't remember if I named Marley's mom. If I did, lmk what her name was and I'll change it. And I'll edit these later.

Harry and I sat on the couch in the common room, eating crackers while I finish the twins' essays and he reads the map

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Harry and I sat on the couch in the common room, eating crackers while I finish the twins' essays and he reads the map.

"We need to come up with something for you two call me. Whenever you're in trouble." I said, slightly looking up from the papers.

"You can't always be here to save me, Mar. I don't want to burden you." Harry sighed.

"Harry, don't you ever say that with me. I love you like a little brother and that's how I'm always going to treat you, alright?" Harry smiled appreciatively at me before we both looked down.

"What about one of those dog whistles that only one of us can hear?" Harry questioned. I furrowed my eyebrows before laughing at the idea.

"Shoot a blue spark in the air." I shrugged.

"Why blue?"

"Because it's my favorite color." I said sternly. Now, it was Harry's turn to laugh.

Only the sound of the fire crackling and the crickets chirping outside made the noise around us. I wasn't quite sure what it was about Harry, but he reminded me of another lost little boy who just wanted to feel loved.

Someone I felt was far away.

"So are we going to talk about what we heard during the meeting?" Harry said finally. I froze once more, afraid of all the possibilities that were rushing through my head.

"I don't think that's a good idea.." I said softly. I could tell Harry was trying to think. To think of what he could possibly say in this situation.

"I don't think you'll do it." He whispers. Slowly, I look up at him.

"Do what?"

"Help him come back." A small corner of my mouth lifted before I looked back down to the papers.

"Thanks, Potter."


"Has anyone ever told you how brilliant you are." I heard two voices say as I walked towards the library. Instantly, I smiled, knowing it was the twins.

"They might've mentioned it." I shrugged with a grin. Fred and George came over either side of me to show me their perfect grades on the essay.

"What did I tell you, Freddie. I knew it was a good idea." George beamed, ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, yeah. She did alright, you know. Could've done with less spelling errors." Fred sighed. I let out a chuckle and playfully shoved him.

"Can you even spell the word error, Freddie." I teased.

"Yeah, it goes B-I-T-C-"

"Ah, Miss Rowen. There you are." McGonagall says brightly. I froze in place while looking at her. This is the woman who thought I could bring back this dark lord everyone talks about. She sends a glaring look towards the twins.

"Bye, Bobby." They say quickly before rushing off.

"Yes, Professor?" I asked.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you, darling." My heart began thumping.

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" She softly chuckled before shaking her head. In silence, we walked together to the headmasters office.

Once again, I found myself engulfed in the beauty of the paintings throughout the hallways. Legends and scholars filled the very large halls, telling anyone who passed by a story.

"Sherbet lemon." McGonagall recited. I'd have to remember that one.

"In you go." She said. I simply nodded and stepped through the large eagle and allowed it to take me up into the office.

As I walked towards the office door, I heard hushed whispers coming from inside. Being the nosy person I was, I stayed silent as I leaned my ear on the door, trying to see who it was.

"She deserves to know." The voice said, it sounded like Professor Lupin.

"Telling her could be risky, she's in enough danger as is." Dumbledore responded. They weren't talking about me are they?

"She's already more powerful then she knows. Using advanced spells beyond her years to save Potter and doing it wand-less I might add." Lupin said urgently.

"I'm aware of her strength, Professor. We'll talk another time." Suddenly, the door opened and I watched as the two men stood staring at me.

My eyes went wide as I noticed that I was caught red-handed.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"It's alright, we were done." I looked over at Lupin and saw his eyes staring back at me as if he wanted to say something.

But, he decided against it and opted to bid me a goodbye before leaving the room.

"Come in, please." Dumbledore said.

"What did you want to see me about?" I asked, looking around at all of the cool gadgets surrounding the large room.

"Do you know what a Pensieve is, my dear?" The name had sounded familiar but I didn't recall, so I shook my head.

He simply hummed and stood back up.

"Enjoy the candy. I must speak to McGonagall, but I'll be back." I went to say something but he left through the door before I could object.

I sighed deeply and walked over towards his phoenix. Its big eyes stared back at me curiously.

"Do you ever get bored sitting up there all day?" I asked. The bird blinked, before slightly shaking his head.

I nodded, realizing I shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore, and turned when I hear a cat's meow from behind me.

It was that same white cat as before.

"Hello, pretty." I cooed, kneeling down to offer a hand. The cat hesitated before slowly moving over, bowing her head so I could pet it.

I chuckled and stood up, watching the cat go back over towards a bowl in the center of the room, going in a circle around it and purring.

Cautiously, I made my way to look at it. It looked more like a bird bath than anything. Dark figures danced around inside the water, causing me to lean further down to see what was inside.

That's when I felt my stomach sink and the feeling of falling was well established in my body. I let out a scream as I tumbled toward the ground.

Then, I landed into a chair gently.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked around. I was in Dumbledore's office but everything seemed different. The color wasn't the same as it was before I fell. The door burst open and I jumped up, seeing Dumbledore walk back through.

"Professor Dumbledore, I don't understand-" I stopped as the man walked right through me, causing me to gasp and touch my chest.

"Please, Albus. Please help me." A small voice called. I looked back to the door and felt my whole body go cold. A ringing sound had begun in the ears as I watched a woman walk through the doors holding something in her arms.


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