The Newest Surprise

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"So what do you think about the tournament?" George asked. I tapped my pencil for a second and hummed.

"I don't know. Pointless. Why put your students at risk like that." I shrugged.

"Kill the spare."

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to push away the memories as my eyes trailer to the boy they revolved around.

He had his chin in his hand as he lifted a paper up and down with his wand.

"You know you'll make the deadline." George said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at him.


"You should put your name in." George said again, sitting up slightly in excitement.

"No. That's stupid, George." I chuckled lowly.

"Everyone sit down, shut up, and pay attention." A voice boomed. I jumped slightly and shook my head.

It was the scary man from before.

"Can anyone tell me what a legitimate does?" The room went silent. I'm sure if a feather fell to the ground it would echo off the walls.

I sighed and slightly began to raise my hand.

"Marley." I was taken aback by the sudden name drop before I stood quickly.

"A legitimate can see into any one's mind. It takes months to perfect but-"

"Seconds to destroy. Very good. Show me." Moody turned around and began writing the word "Legitimate" on the board.

"But, sir-"

"Marley, I've heard great things about your abilities. Some would say that you're just as powerful than the dark lord himself. I'm sure you'll manage. Just point and say "Legitimate." It shouldn't be too hard for you." I swallowed a lump in my throat and looked down at George.

"On who?" I questioned. Moody stopped slightly, looking around before placing his eyes on George.

"Him." George stood up and took my hand before he led me towards the front of the room. I caught myself looking over at Cedric who was crinkling a piece of paper in his hands harshly.

"Sit." Moody said, shoving George down in a chair.

"Sir, are you sure this is eth-"

"Now!" I jumped and squeezed my eyes shut once again. Slowly, I reached into my bun to grab my wand before slowly taking it out.

"Expelliarmus!" My wand flung into the air before hitting the ground besides Cedric. I jerked my head in Moodys direction to see him smirking.

A dark feeling filled my chest as I looked back to George.

Once again, I brought up my hand but instead I kept it in front of George's face. I could see the slight fear in George's face as he looked into my eyes.

I dropped my hand and gave a pleading look to Moody.

"Sir, I can't-"

"Legitimate!" Moody yelled, pointing his wand at me.

The breath was sucked out of my chest and I instantly fell to my knees.

"We are the funniest and coolest people you'll ever meet." George said. "Isn't that right, Freddie?"

Fred continued to stare at me with a smile.

"You're quite pretty, you know." Fred said finally. While his twin face palmed. I laughed at how red Fred's face was getting, probably not meaning to say that sentence out loud.

"Do you trust me?" I asked. He thought for a moment, looking in between my eyes before a small corner of his mouth twisted up in a smile.

"I wish I didn't." He chuckled. I smiled even wider and grabbed his hands, walking backwards on to the rocks.

I jumped on Cedric's back and held on tightly, kicking his hip to make him go.


"Go on, Teddy. Go!" Cedric laughed loudly and hoisted me up further before we took our strides to Hogsmeade.

I looked up and met those same grey eyes again.

"Kill the spare!"


"Avada Kadavra!"

The scream left my mouth before I could stop it.

"Stop!" I yelled, pushing moody from my mind. When I could see the class again, most people were standing or covering their mouths as they looked at me.

Moody simply smirked.

"That'll become useful in the real world. Keep your mind safe." The signal for class ended and I instantly got up and rushed to grab my stuff before running out of the room.

"Marley?" someone called behind me. I ignored it and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Mar!" They yelled again. I sighed and turned to see Cedric rushing up to me.

"Teddy, I don't have time-" He yanked me into a room before slamming the door.

"What the he-"

"What did I do to you?" He asked shortly. I stared between his eyes with astonishment and silence.

"Marley, we were thick as thieves a month ago and now you won't even talk to me. I want to know what I did." My lip slightly quivered as a familiar pair of brown eyes flashed over his grey ones.

The pair that begged me for an answer. One I never gave him until it was too late.

"I'm tired, Cedric." I sighed, leaning my head against the door behind me.

"I'm tired of moving all the time, I'm tired of having new friends and losing them, I'm tired of being the only one that knows what's going on before anyone else and yet I can't stop it, I'm-" my voice cracked and I wiped the hot tears from my face.

"I'm tired." I choked out. Cedric's face fell and he looked between my eyes carefully.

I brought my hands to his chest before I tried retracting them. Cedric quickly grabbed them and placed them on his chest fully.

"I'm tired of making the wrong decision." I whispered. It was silent. We could only hear the chatter amongst the students outside the door and our heavy breaths.

"Then let your friends help you make the right one." Cedric said, I smiled and looked at him, pulling him into a gentle hug.

Okay so I've been getting comments on my first Marley story about people being mad about a love triangle so I'm trying to find something different...but it's my thing what can I say? :p

I'm incredibly grateful for all of the people who love and support my story in any way possible. But I want to remind people that my stories are not for everyone and it stresses me out trying to make it as easily readable as possible.

So don't be afraid to make suggestions just know I'm sensitive and if worded incorrectly I might cry :,)

But I love you all and thank you <33

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