Again, that funny feeling..

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There it was again. The same feeling I had felt a thousand times over. When you have someone close to you die, it hurts. But, seeing the life that you were once apart of leave their eyes is completely different.

It was a sickening feeling, but, again, one I knew all too well.

But, even so , as I watched Cedric's body fall to the floor like it weighed nothing, I let out a scream. A scream that I'm sure could be heard from miles away. It could've danced over a sleeping man and filtered through it's head to wake him up.

I had known the feeling of death before, but it still seemed to hurt and even worse so when I knew it was coming. It was like trying to pick a rose. You knew the beautiful flower had thorns and may cut you but the very idea of having the beauty in your grasp made you greedy to hold it. 

Cedric was my rose. I knew the events to come. I knew that his fate would be sealed into the books and no matter how selfishly I tried to prevent, I seemed to only make it worse. 

The pain in my head did not nearly match the pain in my heart. I looked pathetic, crawling towards Cedric's dead body while I held my body in pain. A sharp wind was sucked out of me as someone kicked me in the stomach.

"Leave her alone!" Harry yelled, moving to pull out his wand but being thrown into the grave behind him. The reaper moved to use his staff as a strap the keep the boy in place. When I rolled over some, I bumped into something, or, someone.

The sadness was reminded and I cried. Well, on the inside. I think I had made all the noise and cries I could and just watched him. His eyes were open and the grey orbs stared back at me. I could almost pretend that he wasn't dead.

That it was all some big joke and he hadn't actually died.

We were laying side by side in the grass. The day was sunny and his skin glistened as the sun hit water droplets still on his face from when we were swimming.

But that wasn't the case.

It was dark and foggy and we were laying in a graveyard. I turned my head ever so slightly but my body was not my own. I looked over at Harry and heard him cry for me. But, I didn't.

"Please, get up." He cried, the tears pouring out of his eyes. He looked like a helpless baby like that. But, I couldn't help him. I couldn't help anyone.

I didn't have the strength for it. I am done.

"Bone of the father unwillingly given." Wormtail sited, lifting his wand to place the bone at Harry's feet into the cauldron. I turned back towards Cedric, crawling closer to him and placing his head in my lap.

I sobbed, moving his head out of his face. He was still sweating. My gaze turned back towards Wormtail.

"Flesh of the servant...willingly sacrificed." Wormtail raised a knife to his wrist and forcibly sliced his hand into the pot, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut.

"Bloody of the enemy" Wormtail walked over to Harry and took that same nice to cut a hole in the boys arm, "..forcibly taken." I let out another sob, trying to push down the pain to do something. Anything.

But, I couldn't even feel my legs.

Wormtail turned to me wickedly. His eyes trailed down from me to Cedric as he took steps closer. The only thing I could do was try and scoot away from him, hoping that Cedric's wand was nearby.

Wormtail was quicker. He lept forward and grabbed me by the hair. I cried out in pain and grabbed his hands, trying my best to ease the pain. He brought me closer to the cauldron and I knew this was it.

Wormtail shoved my head into the cauldron, stopping just before the water touched my face.

"Essence of a sire..forcibly given."

A sire.

A sire.

A sire.

Voldemort knows.

Once wormtail deemed my tears were enough he shoved me back onto the ground.

"Marley." Harry cried. I looked at him and began crawling over to where he was being held by the grave. I tried to stand but my legs betrayed me and sent me flying back towards the ground.

"I'm sorry, Harry." I cried, the salty tears running across the fresh cuts on my face.

"It's not your fault." Harry said, crying just as I had.

But it was.

Every time I thought that I was helping someone I ended up making it worse. Why was I trying to be the hero? What right did I have? I wasn't anyone special.

I was nothing but an orphan with a family complex.

The wind howled and I watched as the cauldron in front of me boiled and screamed, filling a painful sensation back into my head.

It didn't seem real. What was once a sliver of Voldemort had now floated above the cauldron and broke through a layer which made it feel like he had been born again.

It wasn't long before the disgusting image before me turned into a man.

Or rather what was left of a man.

He sucked in the air and touched his face. He resembled an animal without a nose or hair. His skin was transparent and I could see every vain that ran along his face.

"My wand...wormtail." His eerie voice called, extending his hand to the pathetic man that stood in awe before him. I held back the pain in my head but it didn't seem as easy for Harry.

He still cried out, not feeling anything but that in the moment.

"Give me your arm." I looked over and saw Cedric staring at us, his grey eyes were now blank and the light had gone.

Then I turned to Harry who was still in pain, looking at me as if he had been waiting for me.

"I'm sorry." I said again. The clouds roared and with it black clouds sank into the ground, revealing the same men in masks that we saw at the game.

Voldemort spoke to them, but all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. Begging for some relief I covered them, hoping that would help.

Voldemort, in a fit of rage, tore the masks off of his companions and called them each by their last names. Seeming to single out their betrayal.

"Crabbe...McNair..Goyle..Nott.." He cried, sending the men to their knees.

"Not even you.." He went up to two men and ripped off their masks, causing me to whimper.

"Malfoy..Rowen.." The man that seemed more overjoyed to have a daughter, was a death eater, working for the man he knew was trying to kill me and my friends.

Mr. Rowen looked at me and squeezed his eyes shut as Malfoy spoke. But I couldn't hear anything. The words that poured out were nothing but lies and I knew it. Just as he did.

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