New Lovers

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I sat in the library writing my essay for potions, doing rather well actually

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I sat in the library writing my essay for potions, doing rather well actually. Until the twins came in and interrupted my focus.

"Hello, pretty." I heard George say as he sat next to me. Fred sat on the other side, silent.

"What," I said simply, not looking at them. He gasped and placed a hand on his chest.

"Why such disdain," George says.

"We're only here to help." Fred finished.

"So you're talking to me now?" I asked Fred. His lip slightly raised before he washed it away.

"Never. Georgie just gets mad if I don't finish his sentences." I chuckle and look at George whose mouth is open wide and glaring at Fred.

"He's lying, Marley," George says quickly.

"Of course." I teased.

"Anyways, We've come to take you away from such boring circumstances as homework." George continues.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at them suspiciously.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked. Both twins smirked as I looked at them and instantly took me away.

"This is such a bad idea." I gasped watching as Filch sat in a chair, monitoring the hallways.

"Live a little," Fred whispers in my ear. He pulls out the map and points to show that Snape is a couple of minutes from Filch.

"Okay, do it now, Bobby." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at George.

"Bobby?" I asked.

"Bob Marley," George explained.

"What does everyone say." I sighed. Then, I lifted my hand and kissed it before blowing a said kiss to Filch.

Then, it hit his lips, making him jump back in surprise.

We all snickered as he twisted and turned when the spell ran through his body. Just then, Snape came up behind him and got in Filch's line of sight.

"Oh, why hello, Severus." Filch flirted, slowly getting up from his chair to walk towards Snape. I giggled but quickly had my mouth covered by Fred.

"Filch," Snape said with a disgusted look.

"Come here, you handsome man!" Filch exclaimed, rushing forward to grab Snape to try and kiss him.

"What is wrong with you? Release me!" Snape bellowed. When Filch kissed Snape's cheek, we all lost it, laughing hysterically and falling to the ground.

"Weasley's! Detention!" Snape said, still trying to rip Filch away. Snape used a spell to fix Filch before taking off for us.

"Run!" George yelled. We all took off running and make quick turns to try and outrun him.

"Fred, take Bobby to the first hideout, I'll go to the second and we'll meet in our spot," George said.

"Hey!-" But George was already off before Fred could say anything. Fred groaned and grabbed my hand before yanking me in the opposite direction.

"Where are we-oh!" I let out a yelp as Fred yanked me into a small crawl space. It was a wall that was disguised so well that you'd have to touch it to realize that it went in more to form a pathway.

Fred quickly covered my mouth to hide my heavy breathing.

"Bloody hell. What are you? A bulldog?" He spits. I rolled my eyes and tried to spit back but I heard footsteps coming our way.

Fred squeezed in closer to me, our chests were smashed together tightly as the footsteps neared and we realized that Filch was jogging, or whatever he wanted to call it, past us.

When we heard his footsteps receding, Fred let go of my mouth which caused me to let out a deep breath.

"Okay, let's go," Fred said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Common room. It's where we always meet."

"Wouldn't that be the first place he looks?" I questioned.

"Fine. We'll go your way." Fred says, crossing his arms. I simply rolled my eyes as continued to walk in silence.

I made a note to examine every painting and hallway entrance as we passed through them.

"You know.." Fred began.

"That wand-less magic you's kinda cool." I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"Wow, that sounded like a compliment, Weasley." I teased. He chuckled and looked down.

"Not nearly. You're quite terrible aside from that." I let out another laugh and shook my head. As Fred and I managed to make our way outside, I noticed that it was perfect weather.

A huge tree that moved and twitched caught my line of sight.

"What is that!" I asked, standing on my tiptoes to try and see it better.

"That's the whomping willow. Last year, Ron drove our dad's car into it." I raised my eyebrows in surprise and shook my head.

I saw a tree that was a little way into the black lake, nothing that a few charms couldn't fix. I jogged up and looked down at the water that stood in front of me and the tree.

"Come on, let's head back," Fred says.

"Have some fun." I chuckled. Fred simply rolled his eyes and watched my feet as I took a step toward the water.

I mumbled a simple charm and watched as rocks from deep within the lake came out of the water to symbolize a path.

I turned around and gave Fred a wide smile.

"Do you trust me?" I asked. He thought for a moment, looking in between my eyes before a small corner of his mouth twisted up in a smile.

"I wish I didn't." He chuckled. I smiled even wider and grabbed his hands, walking backward on to the rocks.

Fred hesitated before stepping on the rock. Looking at me once more before finally taking a step, realizing it would hold him.

We continued to walk down the path until we finally reached the tree. It was much bigger than from afar, but a lot of branches were low enough for me to climb some.Fred looked down at the rocks that were fading back into the water and placed his hands on his hips.

"What happens when we want to go back?" He asked before scratching his head.

I stood next to him, kneeling down.

"Do you know how you have to say a phrase in order to open the map?" I asked.


I turned and looked at him.

"Do you trust me?" I asked again.

"I thought we went over this already." Fred sighed.

"Do you trust me?" I asked again. Fred rubbed his face before looking back at me.

"I wish I didn't." He repeated. And just like that, the rocks came back out of the water.

"Bloody hell. That's brilliant." He gasped.

"Almost like magic." I chuckled.

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