Our Safe Space

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"So, why'd you move here from America?" Fred asked, pulling a piece of grass from the ground

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"So, why'd you move here from America?" Fred asked, pulling a piece of grass from the ground. I had climbed the tree and was on the lowest brach, so to reply, I had to look down.

"I was in an accident." I said slowly.

"Like, had to get a restraining order accident or near death accident." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Near death. I was walking home from the train and was hit by a car."

"Oh." Fred replied. My eyes trialed off just to see a cat standing off in the distance. Its pure white fur was sparkling in the moonlight and I felt a sense of familiarity as I looked at it.

But, as I blinked. The cat was gone.

"So, why are you mad at me?" I asked. Fred chuckled and stood up, coming face to face with me.

"I'm not mad at you. I just have a lot going on." He answers.

"I know." I got into a sitting position so my knees were to his chest.

"I told Angelina I'd try and set you up with people to make you feel better." Fred rolled his eyes and turned his back to me.

"Oh yeah, how did she feel about that?"

"She liked the idea." He was silent. I didn't know if I upset him or if he was simply just thinking.

"And who did you come up with?" He asked plainly. I waited for a moment myself. I hadn't really gotten the chance to think about it.

"How about Cho?" He snorted and turned back around.

"Her and Cedric share the same stick in their ass. No thanks." I hummed and placed a finger on my chin.

"What about Hermione?"

"She's too young."

"Alicia?" Fred gave me a look before letting out a deep breath.

"Just let it go, Bobby, I don't-"

"You called me Bobby." I beamed. His eyes went wide after his slip up and opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did." I laughed, getting down off the tree to stand in front of him.

"Whatever, let's head back." He muttered, turning around and saying the phrase before he walked towards the castle.

"Admit it, Weasley, you like me!" I called, using my hands as a microphone.

"Never!" He called back. I laughed and quickly followed after him.

We talked about nonsense things as we walked to the common room. However, a large group on the stairs made us stop and look at each other in confusion.

"Come on." Fred says, slightly pulling me up the stairs and towards the top. I saw George standing next to the trio while they talked.

George turned when he saw us and sighed in relief.

"Bloody hell. Where have you two been? You were supposed to meet up hours ago." Fred and I exchanged a look, trying to figure out how to explain our loss of time.

George went to yell some more but saw Fred holding my hand.

"Oh." He began to smirk and look between us.

"Don't even think about it, Georgie." I ripped my hand from Fred's and went up to talk to Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Harry, are you alright?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned and smiled sadly when he saw me.

"Yeah, but I guess the fat lady is gone." Harry informed.

"Gone? Where?" I looked over, confused on how a portrait could escape their painting.

"The fat lady! She's there!" I heard someone yell. Instantly, everyone ran where the person was referring to, pushing most of us roughly to do so.

Harry held onto my sweater tightly as we carefully tried to see all the action.

Someone grabbed my shoulders.

"You alright, Bobby?" George asked.

"Yeah." I said, not even attempting to look away from the painting.

"My dear lady, who's done this to you?" Dumbledore asked.

"Eyes like the devil he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It's him headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here. Somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black!" The fat lady bellowed.

Harry squeezed my hand even tighter and I slowly turned my head to Fred. When he made eye contact and held the same worried look in his face, I knew that we realized that Sirius Black could've seen us. He could've watched us.

"The rest of you, to the great hall!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Come on, Harry." I said, pulling him along with the rest of our classmates.


"Guys, this is such a bad idea." I moaned.

"No, because we've practiced before and you're really good." Cedric explains. Lee, Angelina, Fred and George beside him.

"And Wood is crazy about finding a new chaser. You have to practice with all of the positions because Wood is picky." George added in. As I hovered in the air, I looked down at the two people below me.

Harry and Oliver wood.

"Is it too late to change my mind?" I called.

"You'll do great!" Harry said. I groaned again and took my position.

"Ready, go!" I took off, avoiding Angelina and Lee as they rushed for me. Then, I flung the ball into the hoop, barely making it through Cedric's fingers.

"Good, now two more." Cedric said. I rolled my eyes and rushed for the ball before grabbing it again. Another ball came flying towards me and I fell to the underside of my broom to miss it.

Laughter was heard and I jerked my head to glare at Fred as he held his stomach. But, I took my original position on the broom and sped back around towards the goal.

After a few more rounds, and a couple near hits from Fred's bludger, I managed to make every goal.

"That's what I'm talking about." Cedric said, ruffling my hair as we touched the ground. I laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist as we walked.

"She was alright." Fred said. I stuck my tongue out at him before we finally stood in front of Oliver.

"I still think it was a bad idea to practice with the enemy." I heard Oliver spit. Cedric merely chuckled.

"So? Is she in?" Angelina asked. Oliver looked at me through squinted eyes, thoroughly examining me.

"Come on, Wood." Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, alright." Oliver shrugged. Cedric hugged me as everyone else cheered happily.

"But no playing in the match until you've had more practice. So you need to practice every minute of everyday." He said sternly.

"No problem, thank you." I beamed.

"Yeah, yeah." He waved me off before everyone joined in for a group hug.

"Looks like you have competition, Diggory." George teased.

"Oh, please." Cedric scoffed.

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