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I awoke from my nightmare, the same one I had been having since the beginning of the school year. So, I decided to take a walk through the halls, carrying a throw blanket around as the nights grew more chilly.

My thoughts were filled with what ifs and anxiety over the next two tasks. What if I couldn't help Harry? What if i died in the games. Who would take care of Harry? What if something bad happened to him...

I heard a cough behind me and gasped before I stood up quickly, seeing Professor Dumbledore standing with the white cat I saw last year in his arms.

"Professor, I'm sorry, I'll head ba-"

"Oh, I don't care about that. I tend to wander the halls during the dark as well, it's peaceful." He sighed, moving to the ledge beside me to look at the moon, setting the cat onto the floor.

I relaxed slightly and leaned back against the edge, leaning down every once in a while to pet the cat.

"Yeah, it is." I smiled.

"Happy late birthday by the way." He said, giving me a side eye smirk. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Of course you know the date. You're Dumbledore." We both chuckled slightly.

"So?" He asked, I looked at him with confusion.

"What did you wish for?" He asked again.

"Oh." I chuckled, turning to stand facing the quad.

"Isn't it against the rules to tell your wish?" I questioned.

"Not in this particular situation." He informed, I hummed in response and felt the bracelet around my wrists.

"I suppose I wished to finally find my home." I replied truthfully. I felt Dumbledore look at me but I couldn't meet his eyes.

"And what makes you think you haven't found it?" He questioned.

I shrugged, feeling the weight grow heavy on my chest. 

"I guess because if I found my home, why do I keep leaving it and coming to a new world just to leave again." I asked.

I'm not sure if I was asking him or myself, either way, I wanted an answer.

"Just because you haven't stayed long doesn't mean it's not your home, my dear. Many people would kill to have even one family, you seem to have grown more as the time goes on." I smiled to myself and saw the flash of fluffy hair and brown eyes with the charming smile.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to see the rest of my family again?" Dumbledore hummed to himself, almost as if he was thinking himself.

"Well..I guess we'll just have to find out." Dumbledore took a step back but I kept my eyes on the moon.

"I suppose. But, what if-" I turned, but the man was gone.

"Creepy, creepy man." I said, squinting my eyes.

"Do you often come here to insult ghost men in your spare time?" Another voice called, I turned to see Fred emerging from the shadows.

The weight lifted off my chest. Hopefully he wasn't mad at me anymore.

"Sometimes. Only when I'm in the mood for it, I suppose." I shrugged with a smile. Fred returned it and took a step closer.

"I thought you were mad at me." I questioned with a quirked eyebrow. Fred shrugged and placed the box in my hands.

"It lasts for a max of 24 hours, you know that." I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down, giving Fred room to sit down beside me.

"I forgot that I got you another present too.." Fred hummed, avoiding my eyes as I looked at him, seeing the mysterious smile on his lips.

No second chances| Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now