The second task

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I clutched Harry's hand tightly as we walked along the dock.

"Are you sure this will work?" Harry asked Neville.

"Most likely." Neville said sheepishly. I squeezed my eyes shut with panic, fearing for my family.

"Most likely?! Are you nuts!" Harry spit.

"Harry, he's trying." I frowned. Harry sighed and put the plant in his pocket.

"You two are the only ones. Where are Ron and Hermione anyways?" Harry asked, letting go of my hand before turning around to look at them.

"I'm not sure. I can't find Cedric either." I sighed, feeling more nervous. However, my nerves were mostly for Harry. After Hermione and I left the library, we searched everywhere with Fred but couldn't find him. That's when Mcgonagall found us and asked to speak to Hermione in her office. 

"Maybe they're already there, Har. Let's go." I said, getting into the boat before all three of us plus some others took off towards the meeting docks.

"There you two are!" Moody said as Harry helped me off the boat.

"Come on, it's starting." Moody hissed, grabbing Harry and I before leading us off towards the other champions.

Fleur and Krum were already there, standing in their bathing suits ready to jump in.

I looked at Fleur and sent her a smile to which she returned.

"Good luck." I smiled to her. 

"Bonne Chance." She replied. 

"Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts." I crinkled my nose as Dumbledore's voice boomed over the group. I looked at Harry who had suddenly gone pale. 

Harry and I had stayed together last night. Nothing had gone missing from either of us..


"These four treasures, one for each champion, now lay at the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, each championed need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough except for this: they will have but one hour to do so in one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin.. at the sound of the cannon."

The cannon instantly blew and I jumped in with the rest of the champions. I enacted the bubble head charm and quickly made my way through the lake.

Despite this being a dire situation I couldn't help but see the beauty in the lake below. The fish swimming together and the plants glowing within the foggy day. The water was chilly but I fear it would've been a lot colder without the adreneline in my system. 

My thoughts raced to Harry, praying that the Gillyweed had worked. But, I knew that every moment I wasted in the water, my chances of crossing danger grew. I came upon a field of seaweed. I could feel the slimy plant latching on to my legs and arms as I harshly pushed through it. 

Suddenly, a gun fired off above me, muffled by the water pressure. My skin began to crawl with the possibilities lurking behind the noise. 

Finally, I saw an open clearing, buildings at almost every entrance.

Four things hung on ropes, waiting to be freed. Another person was waiting at the treasures but I was too far it see anything. My heart dropped as I got closer. I realized that our treasures were our friends. Fred was right. I saw Ron, Hermione, Fleur's little sister and...


I knew he had to be for me.

My legs, despite already being tired, kicked faster at the sight. I now saw the merpeople surrounding the area, most likely patrolling. They watched me with evil looks as I passed by them. When I finally got to Fred, I froze. His face was pale but his eyes were closed as if he had been sleeping. 

Small bubbled escaped his mouth and I reached forward to gently touch his face. When I looked over I saw Harry staring up at me and I mentally sighed in relief. I took out my wand and shot a flare at Fred's rope. He hovered slightly and I swam to grab onto his arm.

I looked at Hermione and Ron with worry.

Harry looked at me, almost scared and not know who he needs to grab so I pointed to Ron and then to my watch. He nodded quickly before I adjusted my grip on Fred's arm and swam up. He was heavy, I had to admit, but was lighter in the water, luckily I didn't have to struggle much.

As Fred and I approached the surface, I looked at him. Guilt swarmed my body and I mentally cursed myself for getting too distracted with other things than the tasks. Maybe I could have seen this sooner. Maybe I could have prepared him. 

Fred and I finally reached the top, I gasped in a large gulp of breath before hoisting Fred the rest of the way, seeing him to do same thing. Fred looked around in confusion before seeing me. His face fell, seeming as he caught on to what was happening.

"Come on, I don't think I can carry you anymore." I chuckled, swimming to the edge where several other people were waiting for us with their hands and some towels.

Fred hoisted me up to the ladder before he grabbed towels from other people and placed them on my body.

"You did good, Bobby." Fred sighed, moving his wet hair from his face.

Seamus came up, a huge grin on his face.

"Are we the first ones?" I asked, wiping my face.

"Yeah, you are. First place, love." I beamed and looked at Fred who laughed before bringing me into a hug.

Then, I remembered all of my friends were still underwater. I dragged Fred to the edge with me, holding onto his arm as we looked over the water.

"They'll be okay, Mar." Fred assured. I looked over and saw Fleur standing with her friends. My heart ached as I realized no one was down there to save her little sister.

A few more minutes passed by before someone else came out of the water.

"Hermione!" I gasped, rushing to the edge and holding out my hand for her.

"Oh, my god." I cried, finally pulling her up before I wrapped a robe around her.

"Anyone else?" She asked. I frowned and shook my head.

"Just us."

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