What A Way To Remember

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I walked towards Lupin's classroom slowly

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I walked towards Lupin's classroom slowly. Taking my time because I didn't know what to expect. Fred and George offered to walk with me, which I gladly accepted after I told them everything.

Well, just from last night.

When I had woken up, I was in the hospital wing. Harry, Hermione and Ron all explained that I had saved them, but I used too much power and ended up passing out. But they had saved Buckbeak and Sirius from death.

They had also told me that Remus hadn't left my side until five minutes before I woke up because Madam Pomfrey forced him to go shower and eat.

So, I decided to go see him and talk about the recent situation, our situation.

"Do you want us come inside with you?" George asked as he approached the door.

"No, I should probably go it alone. Will you guys be here when I'm done?"

"We wouldn't dream of leaving." Fred smiled. I sighed in relief and opened the door. I heard clanking coming from his office so I made my way up there.

However, when I saw him packing up his things, I frowned.

"They fired you?" I asked, Remus looked at me and sent me a small smile.

"I didn't know you were awake, I was just about to see you.."

"Yeah, I'm alright.." My eyes trailed to his packed backs and a sigh left his chest.

"No, I resigned, actually.."

"Because of the werewolf thing?" Remus simply nodded.

"Listen, Marley, I want to get to know you. You have so much to learn and it seems Maggie confided in me the most..so if you'll allow it..I'd like to take over what she was supposed to do and train you?" He blurted.

I widened my eyes slightly.

"Uhm, yeah..I'd like that." Remus smiled before coming over and pulling me in a hug.

"Remember, being afraid of something doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. You showed incredible acts of courage last night and I just know that your mother would be so proud of you." He sighed, placing a hand on my cheek.

I smiled and lightly touched it before turning and walking out. The twins had kept to their promise and waited outside until I was done.

Only now I saw Harry standing talking to them.

"He's all yours." I said, patting Harry on the shoulder.


I waited for the anxiety to dwindle down patiently. I had hoped that the coming summer air would cool me down, help me gain the courage to touch into my head.

I stared at the pensieve that I enlarged with a shaky breath.

Had I been ready to do this? The good, bad, and the ugly? I remembered what Remus told me earlier today.

That fear doesn't make you weak. I trusted that was the truth.

My eyes closed and I held my wand to my temple. Softly muttering the spell before gently pulling the memory from my head. It stung a little. I hadn't expected such a feeling to sting but I guess taking a memory would do that.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the hair-like memory floating in the air. I used my wand and put it in the bowl.

"Here we go." I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut before shoving my face in the water. The memories came back in flashes.


"I'll be watching, Dusty."


"I didn't run away this time, right?" Eddie smiled.


"I have to help my fiancé, don't I?" She beamed and stood up as well.


Before I could stop it, a scream of pain and sorrow erupted from my chest, filling the mall with the knowledge of my grief.


"I love you..." I whispered gently, looking down and placing a soft kiss on his lips before I began rocking him.


"Please..take me." I cried softly. Billy's face smirked and I knew it agreed. I let out a sob and leaned down, placing my lips on his gently.


"Get in here you little idiots!" I laughed.

"Marley!" They called. They all rushed forward and nearly tackled me in a hug. When we pulled away I looked at max.


"Joyce?" I asked.

"Oh my god!" She cried, she pulled me up and into her chest once again.


He smiled slightly and looked down at my hand. I followed his gaze and saw a blue, braided bracelet that was placed there.


"I signed you up for school today. You're officially Marley Hopper." He said, nudging me. I smiled and looked down at my hands trying to warm themselves.


"C-Chief Hopper?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah?" He asked. Then, everything went black.


I pulled away from the bowl with a gasp. I yanked at the memories in my head to keep them in. Luckily, what I had seen was going to stay.

Before I could even think. The sobs boomed from my chest. They were right. The hat and Dumbledore were right.

I had a family back home. Beautiful friends, amazing parents. And now it was all gone.

Gently, I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head on my knees, trying to calm myself down.

Even though the memories came back in pieces, it was still enough for me to see the basics of what I went through. But I wanted to see more, I needed to know more.

Why would I leave such a perfect life? That I needed to know. Even if it traumatized me or killed me. I had to see their faces again.

And that was the last thought through my head before my eyes dropped and I fell asleep.

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