Winter Wonderland

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"Fred, knock it off!" I squealed, running away as he moved behind me with a large ball of snow

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"Fred, knock it off!" I squealed, running away as he moved behind me with a large ball of snow.

"Come here, little pig." He teased, running even faster.

"Georgie!" I called.

"Don't call for me, someone's got to make this bloody snowman." George replied. I turned and just before he was about to dunk the snow on me, someone grabbed my waist and yanked me back, causing the snow to fall on the ground.

"Oi, I was about to get her!" Fred said to the person holding me.

"She can't get wet, we're about to go into the village." The voice chuckled. I knew from the tone that it was Cedric.

Fred simply rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." And he turned back around to go to George. I frowned, starting to realize a pattern of Fred's anger. I just wish I could be friends with both of them without the other getting upset with me over it.

"I'm leaving, Georgie!" I called. George looked at me and placed his hands on his hips.

"Leaving without a proper goodbye?" He asked. I rolled my eyes with a laugh before moving from Cedric's grip and rushing to George, kissing his cheek.

"Bye, Bobby." George said.

"Want one, Fred?" I asked.

"No. I don't want whatever you've given my brother to make him soft." I smiled brightly and took quick steps for him and grabbed his face harshly.

"Blast you, woman. Let go!" He screeches. I manage to pull his face down and kiss the corner of his mouth, making his face instantly go red.

"You're so annoying." He groaned, trying to hide his face as he wiped his mouth.

"Bye, Freddie." I called, waving as I walked back towards Cedric.

"See ya' later, Bobby." He answered.

I jumped on Cedric's back and held on tightly, kicking his hip to make him go.


"Go on, Teddy. Go!" Cedric laughed loudly and hoisted me up further before we took our strides to Hogsmeade.

"Excited?" He asked.

"Definitely." I chuckled.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the pub where Cedric finally put me down.

"Find is a seat, I'll get drinks." I nodded and took my jacket off before walking to a booth in the corner of the pub.

A few minutes later, Cedric came back with our drinks and sat down.

"So, did you get a reply?" I asked him, taking a sip of my drink.

"Yeah, my dad sent me a letter this morning and said he'd be more then willing to have you for Christmas break. He also said he already assumed that you were." I smiled and let out a deep sigh.

"Thank Godric. That would've sucked to stay at the castle." It was silent as we continued drinking.

"Marley, can I ask you something.." He said softly. I hummed in response and turned my head to look at him.

He was staring at the necklace around my neck.

"What Professor Trelawney said...about your partner.." As I watched the usually confident boy stutter through his sentence, I felt my chest weigh down slightly.

"Cedric, trust me. If I remembered anything about my life before the accident, I would tell you all of it. But I just don't.." Cedric frowned and gradually moved his hand to touch mine.

"Did the doctors tell you if your memory would come back?" He asked again.

"They said it might, it might not. It all depends on how hard I actually want it back." I informed. Cedric hummed in response but didn't move his hand away from mine.

"Hey! No underage wizards allowed in the pub!" I heard a shrill voice yell.

"Shut the damn door!" The other screamed.

"So rude." A familiar voice replied. Cedric and I shared an odd look before getting up and walking towards the door.

A bushy hair red girl and a red head stood outside and I knew exactly who it was.

"Hermione? Ron?" I asked, Cedric and I stepping outside to speak to them.

"Marley?" Hermione looked at Cedric and I saw the little red tint that showed up.

"What are you two doing here? Alone?" Ron questioned, looking between us oddly.

"I can ask you two the same question." I said, raising an eyebrow to look at them. They both gagged and shook their heads, causing Cedric and i to laugh.

"And we aren't alone. Harry is here." Ron added.

"Harry? Where?" Cedric asked, looking around. From the guilty look that Hermione gave me, I knew Harry was inside, doing something he wasn't allowed to be doing.

I sighed deeply and shook my head, turning to Cedric.

"Do you want to save us seats in the cafe! I'll meet you there soon, Teddy." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I gave him a smile and a nod.

"Alright, see you two later." Cedric said, waving at Ron and Hermione before walking off.

The smile turned into a frown and I rushed back inside to try and find Harry before he did something stupid. I searched around the bar but didn't hear a thing, then, I made my way upstairs and towards the doors that led to a few extra rooms.

"And now he wants to finish what he started." A voice said. I froze in place the second I heard the voices speaking.

"Oh, I don't believe it." I heard a female voice say.

"That's not the worst of it."

"Oh what could be worse?"?

"This. Sirius black was and remains to this day..Harry Potter's godfather!" My jaw dropped and I felt my heart beating even quicker. The door to the room began to open and I hesitated, not having a place to go other then into that room.

"And to make matters worse...Marley Rowen has come into the mix." The door froze, as if the information made the door want to keep listening.

Which I could relate to.

"The daughter of those purebloods? Why her?" Rosemerta asked.

"Oh, well, as you know those aren't her real parents. Her mother was part of the order before she mysteriously disappeared one day, taking her daughter with her once again until she was found in the streets on London. Unconscious might I add." McGonagall said.

A lump formed in my throat as the questions buzzed through my head. Why would my mother take me away from everything and curse me to a life of not knowing where I came from?

"We think that Sirius is not only after Harry Potter, but her as well. She's the only person who can bring the dark lord back!"

My heart fully dropped. My throat closed and I thought I would just die on the spot. The door opened once again but I didn't even bother moving.

I've heard too much.

Instead, the door opened and something warm wrapped over me like a blanket.

"Come on!" Harry said quickly, leading me down the stairs.

When is this poor girl gonna get a break Omg

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