The Dream, Our Dream

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"What are we doing?" Angelina laughed, holding her clothes tight to her body. I looked at her, holding my egg as I beamed.

"You'll see." I rushed off the dock and quickly jumped in. The water tickled my body from the cold. As I hit the air again I gasped.

"Marley!" Cho laughed, "You're crazy."

"Come in, the water is great." I replied, my teeth chattering harshly. Her and Angelina gave each other a hesitant look before squealing and jumping off the dock like I had.

"You girls can have fun with that." George yelled, standing with Lee, Fred and Cedric.

"Oh, come on, chickens!" Angelina yelled. Cedric mumbled something to the boys before he ran off the dock, hitting the water.

George soon followed but Fred remained on the dock.

I gripped the egg tightly in my hands.

"Now can you explain what this is?" Cedric asked, shivering.

"The book that Hermione gave me over magical creatures. It talked about merpeople. The same merpeople who sound like banshees if they sing above water. So.." I looked back down at the egg and braced myself in case I was wrong.

When I opened the egg it hummed gently underwater.

"Marley, you're a genius!" George cheered. I chuckled and ducked my head underwater.

"Come seek us where our voices sound
we cannot sing above the ground.
An hour long you'll have to look,
to recover what we took." 

Goosebumps filled my arms as I came up above the water. My eyes were wide as I looked at them.

"Well?" Cho asked.

"The next task is here." I gasped. Everyone stopped and looked at the water under them.

"Suddenly, I think I'm done swimming." Cedric mumbled.

"Hold on." I mumbled again. Going back under. The same song started again, but I stayed under longer.

"An hour long you'll have to look
To recover what we took
Your times half gone so tarry not
Lest what you seek stays here to rot."

When I came back up I gasped.

"Everyone out of the water." I said quickly. They all rushed to the dock before climbing up. Fred had managed to sit down on the dock, silent.

"What did you hear, Marley?" Angelina asked quickly, grabbing the towel from the pile we brought.

I repeated the song to them carefully.

"To rot? What's that supposed to mean?" George asked.

"Human." Fred said. I looked at him and watched him look at me, worry filled his eyes.

"Wait, no. Certainly Dumbledore wouldn't put students lives on the line. Anything can rot, Fred. Don't scare her." Cho said quickly, placing a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. I really hope she was right.

"We should get back." I said, giving them a small smile. Everyone nodded and followed me back to the castle.


The area was dark and cold. The chills ran up my spine, competing with the hairs on my arms to reach my heart the fastest.

A grim reaper stood in front of me, staring into my eyes as if he was waiting.

For me.

My vision moved into the reapers eyes, as if he wanted to show me my future.

Inside the eyes of the reaper, I saw myself walking up stairs. The house seeming empty and familiar.

I could hear quiet voices coming from a room at the top, going further to examine the noise, I saw a man sitting in front of a chair.

His tone was hushed and urgent, as if receiving a mission.

Talking to Sirius about Harry's dream must've had its effect on me.

"Let me see it again." A chilling voice hissed. The very sound made my stomach tighten. I had a feeling I knew who it was but I didn't quite want to understand it.

The man ripped his sleeve up, giving the man a view of his desires.

"Ah yes the time is close now." The door creaked open, alerting the men to my presence.

"Harry, at last. Step aside Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting!" A green flash shot into my vision, giving me a sense of dread and overwhelming pain.

I gasped awake, feeling the sweat dripping down my face.

"Another nightmare?" I heard Angelina ask from her bed.

"Harry." I said with panic. I threw the blankets off of my body and rushed out of the room.

"Harry!" I called, not caring if I woke anyone up. I needed to make sure he was okay.

"Human." Fred's voice echoed through my head, making my heart nearly burst from my chest.

"Harry!" I called again, finally reaching his door. I slammed it open, seeing him still asleep in his bed.

I sighed in relief and leaned against the doorframe.

"Marley?" A voice groaned, I turned to see Ron sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes as he looked at me.

"I just-" Harry's moans of distress made me stop in my tracks and look at him, he moved his head wildly, I soon noticed the sweat forming on his head.

My feet moved before I could stop them, I rushed to his side and gently touched his shoulders.

"Harry." I called. His whimpers grew even more but he didn't wake up.

"Harry!" I called again, lightly shaking him. Harry jumped up, nearly hitting his head on one of his bed poles.

"Marley?" He asked, reaching over to grab his glasses.

I hesitated, not wanting to scare him anymore than he already was.

"You had that dream again, didn't you?" I asked softly. He looked at me through his bloodshot eyes with confusion.

"No..I, well, I-"

"Harry I know you had it." I assured. His face fell, as if wanting to cry.

"I had the same one."

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