Beautiful Boy

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Dear Reader, I had a dream about Dustin. His annoying jokes and that silly laugh that would follow after it. I remembered when he and I waited forever until E.T came to the Family video and we made a bunch of snacks and watched it together.

That seems like a lifetime ago.

It was now the day before we left for Hogwarts and I found myself sitting alone in the night in front of the Weasley house. The crickets chirped around me and the warmth of the summer night made it almost impossible to keep my eyes open.

"Marley."  A voice called. I didn't turn around, simply scooting over so the boy could find his seat beside me. When he did, he sighed, pulling his knees close to his chest and staring at the sky.

"Did you have a good birthday? I didn't get a chance to ask you the other day." Harry hummed, finally getting me to look at him.

"It was good until the very end, I suppose." I replied truthfully, finding it almost impossible to lie the young one.


I let a deep sigh escape my chest, looking down at the grass before running my hands through it like fabric.

"There was a something between Cedric and I while we were cleaning up, a moment..and..I don't know. Fred walked in on us and got pissed before going back inside. I thought him and I were doing so good lately, you know? Then anytime Cedric is around he's just...mean to me." Harry reached over and intertwined our hands together.

"I think maybe he doesn't know how to show his feelings. I told you that they didn't really get along and the main reason they're around each other at all is because of you.." Harry explained softly.

"But if he doesn't start treating you better than maybe you shouldn't be friends with him. You're an amazing person Marley and the closest thing to a sister I've ever had. You have this way to make people feel safe, even after meeting them just once. I remember the first time I met you I felt like you could protect me from anything. I wasn't Harry Potter than, I was just Harry." As I watched the boy speak, I could feel the tears begin to brim in my eyes.

After he finished I chuckled and wiped the fallen tears from my eyes, shoving him playfully with my shoulder.

"No need to get all mushy."  I teased, earning a laugh from both of us.

"Uh, Marley?" Another voice asked. Harry and I both turned around to see none other than Fred Weasley hovering over us.

"Can I talk to you privately?" Harry looked at me, waiting for my okay before he gave me a small hug and standing, going towards the house. But neither Fred or I missed the angry look Harry sent him. As if to intimidate the older and much taller boy.

Fred rolled his eyes playfully and sat down in Harry's spot.

"Look, I just wanted to say I was sorry." I chuckled and turned back to look at the plains.

"Why are you laughing at me?" He asked.

"Nothing I just..I never thought I'd hear Fred Weasley apologize." He chuckled and nodded softly.

"Yeah, I guess I deserved that."


We both turned our head as the record player began to play from the house. I could see through the window that Arthur pulled Molly off of the couch and began to dance with her. I smiled as I watched them lovingly, turning to see Fred do the same thing.

"I just wanted to say that I just get really jealous when I see you and Cedric together. He's better looking than me, his family has more money and he's just a better...friend than me." I frowned and allowed the boy to express his feelings.

"For the past four years Cedric and I have been in this stupid and childish fight over the same girls. I liked Cho for a little bit and when I told him and the rest of the boys, he asked her on a date the next day. When Angelina dumped me, she said it was because she liked Cedric. They went on one date and then barely talked again." Fred said, scoffing and shaking his head as he explained.

It was odd hearing a bad side to Cedric like this. He had always been more than nice to me. I didn't even realize he could have had such a malicious trait like that.

"I love you both equally, Fred. Yeah, Cedric may be nicer but at the end of the day when I'm feeling upset, I go to you." Fred looked up at me, searching my eyes to make sure I was speaking the truth.

"Really?" I smiled and nodded, moving a stray hair from his forehead to be able to see his eyes better. Fred seemed to smile brighter, a smile I hadn't seen before before he stood up, offering his hand to me.

"What?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Dance with me.." He hummed. I felt my face grow red as I grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull me closer and place a hand on my waist. I gently leaned my head on his chest, listening to his soft heartbeat that was starting to quicken.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy." Fred sang as he rocked the back and forth. I chuckled to myself and found myself picturing what it would be like to see Fred as a father. Him holding a child, singing this song while his wife watched them from the couch.

Loving him even more than I do in this moment.

I frowned and watched the moonlight reflect off of his red hair, his smile practically blinding me. My heart melted but seemed to grow sore at the same time.

Fred was too good for me.

"I could get used to this.." He whispered.

"What? Seeing me fail to dance?" I teased. He laughed along with me.

"You know what I mean." I did. He meant dancing with his girl while he put their kids to sleep. But that was what I pictured, I'm sure he was imagining something far more interesting.

Fred sighed contently before pulling away to look at me, his eyes glistening and seeing almost impossibly more beautiful than they already were.

Fred truly was the most beautiful boy I had seen.

His eyes widened before he reached into his back pocket.

"I forgot your birthday present." He hummed, pulling me back onto the grass.

"Fred, what are you-"

"Close your eyes.." He ordered, causing me to laugh and cover them with my hands. I heard something jingle slightly as I felt my smile grow.

"Open." I uncovered my eyes and looked down at my ankle. Along with the other charms there was now a charm with the letters "WWW" on it.

"It's for the joke shop George and I want to open. Weasley's Wizards Wheezes. I know this was you and Steve's thing but I wanted to give you something to remember him by and also to show him when you see him again. After graduation we're going to save money for it and I, well, George and I want you to work for don't have to but-" Fred's rambling was cut off when I tackled him in a hug, sending us both flying into the grass.

Fred laughed and gently held onto my wasit, looking up at me in surprise.

"Is that a yes?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I squealed in delight and nodded happily, laying my head on his chest. And for the next hour that's how Fred and I laid in the night. Laughing together, coming up with ideas for the shop and watching the stars.

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