Seeing into the Past

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"Welcome, my children

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"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of divination. Most of you have had me before but some are quite new this year." The Professor says, looking at me.

"I'm Professor Trelawney. Today we will be getting into groups and reading each other's prophecies for a grade." The whole class let out a loud groan, causing me to laugh slightly.

As she continued on the lecture, I looked around for who I'd want in my group. I saw Cedric, Cho, Angelina, and the twins, Lee had Muggle studies so he'd be missing out.

"And before you lot go picking your group, know that I will be choosing your groups based on the similar energies you all share." I look over at Cedric and roll my eyes, causing him to snicker.

She walks over to a boy with a large tooth that stuck out in his mouth and held her hands in front of him before humming.

My hands instantly shot to my mouth to stifle the laugh.

I felt someone lean their head next to mine and breathe into my ear, from the corner of my eye I saw the piece of red hair and instantly knew who it was.

"Do you think all that is, is just to use her x-ray vision and look at him naked?" I crinkled my nose and gagged.

"Look at him, her chest is probably harrier than his," I replied back. Fred let a booming laugh before leaning into his chair quickly, I hid my smile with my hand as Trelawney looked directly at us.

"Is Division a joke to you two?" She asked. My smile dropped and I instantly shook my head.

"No, ma'am," I replied quickly. She squinted as she looked at me and slowly began to walk over. Raising her hands just as she did with the boy before me.

I gave Fred a look and covered up my chest, making him laugh some more.

"You're a very gifted witch, Miss Rowen." She said softly. I smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to say, even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Wandless magic is your specialty, I see." Her eyes jolt open before she leaps forward and grabs my left hand in hers tightly.

Frankly, it scared the shit out of me.

"You've been through pain that your peers only imagine. You've traveled many lives and worlds. Only to be nowhere near home." She opens her eyes and looks down at my bracelet.

"Your heart lies with another from afar and Someone else you hold dear is no longer with us. Your fear is what is blocking you from remembering." My heart dropped and I ripped my hand out of hers.

Without even thinking, I jumped up and rushed from the room, ignoring the pleas of my friends around me.

What did she mean, no longer with us? Did someone I used to love die? Was it a brother? Maybe a sister?

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