Bad, Shifter, Bad!

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"M-Mom?" I called

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"M-Mom?" I called. I knew it was her. This was my mom. But I don't understand why she's here. How is she talking to Dumbledore.

"Maggie, I'm sorry but I can't help you. There is nothing I can do. I told you the dangers of traveling and you still chose to risk it. Now you have your daughter to worry about." Dumbledore said, placing his hands on his desk.

"Please, Albus. We can't stay here anymore. We have to go back to our own time. He'll come after us and I can't run anymore..." I remember her voice sounding exactly like this when I was little. Still soft and sweet as ever.

"Maggie, if I could help you, I would. You're the only one who knows how to travel. Therefore, you must figure out a solution on your own." My mother squeezed her eyes shut and looked down at my sleeping body.

"If I stay here with him. He'll want to raise a family..and you know just as well as I that I can't let that happen.." She whispered.

Was she talking about my dad?

"You chose to keep his child, Maggie." My jaw dropped.

This can't be happening.

I may not remember much but I remember my
Mom, and my piece of shit dad that would beat me. But if she had the child here, and the man that beat me is there..that means...




"You must tell him the truth, Maggie.." Dumbledore stressed.

"I'd rather die." She spit.

"No!" I yelled.

I shot back up, water dripping from my face as I came back into the office I left in. I turned to see that my mother was no longer there.

She had gone.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" I hear a low voice call. My head jerked to see Dumbledore standing and petting the cat that now sat on his desk watching me.

"I don't understand. My mom was a-

"We called her a traveler. A person who went from one world to the next via subconscious. Nowadays, I hear they call it shifting realities, psychics, mediums." I shook my head.

"No, because that, Dumbledore, I don't understand, please help me." Dumbledore looked down at his hands.

"I should've helped your mother when she asked. But I was ignorant to her circumstances...." He sighed.

"Marley, you are what is called a traveler. She passed the trait down to you, the only reason you don't remember is because you travelled from one world to the next and it took too much out of you. Your mother was supposed to train you how to travel safely but.." Dumbledore trailed off, and I knew where he was going.

I felt my chest grow heavy, this was too much to handle at once. But if I never learned, when would I?

"Do you think if I extract my memories and rewatch them, I could remember what happened to me. What really happened?" I asked.

Dumbledore pulled back an identical Pensieve to the one he has in his office, only this one was much smaller.

"It'll only work if you want it to." He said. I took the Pensieve from his hands gently and examined it.

"When you're ready to face whatever pain, heartache and joyful memories you experienced, only extract your memories and enlarge the Pensieve."

I looked down and examined the thing in my hands.

"How do I extract memories?" I questioned. But as I looked back up, I realized the man was gone and so was the cat.

"Bloody hell..." I sighed.


I sat by the tree in Fred and I's spot, staring at the Pensieve in my hands. Every once and a while, the lowering sun would beam onto my anklet and I would be reminded that I needed to relive those memories.

Then, I moved my attention to the other two tokens on my body. The blue bracelet and the necklace, all symbols that represented the person I was.

"Why are you out here all alone? It could be dangerous." A voice said. I looked over to see Fred walking from behind the tree to sit down next to me.

"Only you and I can access the tree, stupid." I said, slightly chuckling.

"How did your date with Lavender go?" I asked, looking at him. He groaned and threw his head back on the tree.

"She's mad, I'm telling you. I can't believe you set us up. I think she just wanted me to get to Ron, honestly." Fred informed. I laughed loudly and nudged him.

"You'll get one next time."

"Marley, you can stop trying to set me up on dates. It's not going to end well." He sighed. I turned to him with a frown.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not quite sure I'm over Angelina. I'm always going to find something wrong with the girl. She doesn't have hair like Angelina, she doesn't have Angelina's nice skin..I mean, I'm hopeless." He sighed.

I wasn't going to bring up the fact that I think that's the most he's spoken to me in a single sitting because I didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Fred, it's not healthy to obsess over something that's lost. What matters is how you go on from it." My words seemed to hit Fred and I both.

I knew that I needed to watch my memories or I would obsess over or forever and never move past it. I couldn't be scared and neither could he.

"Fred, if I tell you something will you swear not to tell anyone?" I asked softly. Fred looked at me skeptically.

"You don't fancy me, do you?" Fred asked with a crinkled nose. I laughed slightly and shoved his head away.

"You wish I did." I teased back.

"Okay..what did you want to tell me." He asked. I took a deep breath and looked between his eyes. I wanted to tell Fred that I was a traveler because he told me something personal and I felt like I owed him at least that.

"I'm-" A blue spark was flung into the sky behind his head, causing me to pause. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and slowly stood up.

Then, another one was shot through the air.

"Shoot a blue spark in the air." I shrugged.

"Why blue?"

"Because it's my favorite color." I said sternly.

"Oh, my god. Harry!" I quickly rushed towards the castle and tried to find where the spark was coming from.

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