"The Truth Will Out"

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"He was at school with us

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"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend." Lupin said.

"No, Peter's dead. He killed him." Harry said, referring to Sirius.

"Harry.." He looked at me and I pointed to the rat.

"Prove it!" Harry said again. Sirius ran over towards Ron and grabbed for the rat.

"No!" Ron called.

"Let him have it, Ron." I say. Finally he lets go and Sirius takes the rat and throws it on the piano. Lupin and Sirius throw spells at the rat before it finally turns into the small, fat man.

They both pull him out and he looks at us with his rat face.

"Remus? Sirius? My old friends!" But he runs past them only to be stopped again.

He came over to Harry and I and grabbed Harry.

"Harry, you look so much like your father..your father would've spared me!" I got in front of Harry and pushed him back.

"You...you're her daughter, aren't you? Maggie's! Oh' she was a brilliant woman-" a loud smack made Peter stop in his tracks.

"I assume she takes after her mother." Peter muttered. Remus and Sirius pulled Peter up and threw him back.

"How dare you! How dare you talk about our friends in front of them!" Sirius yelled.

"You sold Lily and James to Voldemort, didn't you?" Lupin asked.

"I didn't mean to." Peter fake cried.

"The dark lord...you have no idea the power he possess. Ask yourself Sirius. What would you have done?!"

"I would've died! I would've died rather then betray my friends." Peter ran off and I rushed to block the door. He grabs me again by the shirt and gets in my face.

"Your mother wouldn't want you to kill me unless you knew the truth, huh? About your daddy.." Peter giggled.

"Enough!" Sirius yelled loudly. Peter sent him a smile before looking at me.

"Your real daddy is in this very room." My heart sunk and I stared at the man in awe. He was lying, he had to be lying.

Harry holds on to me while Remus and Sirius contain him.

"You should've known that if Voldemort wouldn't have killed you, we would. Together."

"Stop!" I said quickly.

"Oh, bless you. Bless you." Peter comes forward but I raise my fist, making him step back.

"We'll take you to the castle. After that the dementors can have you." I said. Peter hides his face with a whimper.

I walked in front of Sirius and Harry as they carried Ron through the tunnels. Harry and Sirius were talking about something or another but I had ignored it.

A beam of light flashed on my face and I realized that we had neared the end of the tunnels. I crawled out before turning around and helping Ron out as well.

Harry and Hermione knelt down beside me as we both started to work on his leg.

However, harry was more worried about Sirius standing off in the distance.

"Go, Harry." Hermione said, also catching it. Harry shook his head and looked back to Ron's leg.

"I can stay here." He replied. I gently placed my hand on his.

"It's okay, Harry. We're okay." Harry hesitated, looking in between my eyes before smiling and standing to talk to Sirius.

"You know, they might have to chop it off." Ron said. Hermione and I looked at each other with a roll of our eyes.

"So, Marley.." Remus said softly. I swallowed the lump in my throat, hesitant to look at him because I knew the truth.

If what Peter says is right, then the only possible answer is him. Sirius would've talked to me by now if not.

"Is it true?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"No." Remus sighed, swallowing the lump in his own throat.


"I wish it were. But your mother fell pregnant..and the man who was supposed to be your father was a very bad man. So, I told her that I would love you like my own just as much as I loved her." Remus's voice broke and he looked at the ground.

"She couldn't bare having a family with me so she left." I thought back to the memory. My mother did say that Remus was trying to raise a family but she couldn't.

Not that's she wouldn't want to.

"I think she loved you too." I replied truthfully, Remus looked at me and allowed a tear to drop.

"Maggie was a great woman. But she was no liar. She didn't love me." I went silent. My gaze turned towards my shoes because, truly, Remus had known my mother more than I had in my life.

So he must've been right. 

"Okay, well.." I looked behind Lupin to see the full moon behind him shining at me.

"Harry!" I yelled. As Sirius and Harry turned, I looked over at the full moon. Both of them instantly ran forward.

Remus didn't see the issue until he looked back at the moon, already beginning to transform.

"Did you forget your potion, my friend? Remember this in here. We're your friends!" Sirius tried to calm. We all picked up Ron and I watched Peter grab his wand.

Harry disarmed him but not quick enough. Peter smiled wickedly and formed into his rat self once again.

Just then, Remus fully transforms and flings Sirius off into the distance.

"Come on!" Harry says, trying to pull us away.

"Wait!" Hermione calls.

"Hermione, that's not Remus." I say. She walks over anyways.

"Professor Lupin?" He throws his head back and howls. Another body runs up and grabs me by the shirt. As my eyes adjusted, i realized it was Professor Snape.

"You're in so much-" Snape's lecture was stopped as Remus let out another howl, causing him to shut up and turn before guarding us all. Remus swings his arm and I watch as Snape falls to the ground.

"Professor Snape are you alright?" I asked, however, the Professor was out cold.

Sirius came out in his dog form and attacked Remus. Sirius began to scratch at Lupin and distract him as much as he could.

But Lupin was stronger. He flung Sirius against a rock, causing the poor dog to whimper and struggle to get up.

Lupin turned to us once again.

I held my hands up and took a deep breathe. Through the lessons and sweat we put into healing my abilities, I still felt too weak to take him on.

But I held him in place, nearly freezing him.

"Go! I can't hold him much longer." I groaned to the group behind me. They all rushed to a safe distance away.

I felt something dripping down my nose and knew as the liquid touched my lips that it was blood. My vision began to blur and I feared I couldn't hold him anymore.

A howl from the woods caused Lupin to jerk his head in that direction just as my spell wore off. The second he rushed away, I fell to my knees.

"Marley!" And then it went black.

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