The Water Resistance

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"Okay, here let me fix this

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"Okay, here let me fix this. Oh, wait. You still need-"

"Marley!" Harry laughed, gently moving his hands away.

"I'm okay." Harry assured. I frowned and looked at his outfit again.

"I know you are." I sighed.

"You look beautiful, Mar." Harry smiled. I smiled back and brought him into a hug. Ron came out of the bathroom, showing us his rather...colourful dress robes.

I covered my mouth to hide a snicker and turned to Harry who had his nose crinkled.

"I look like a dirty tissue." Ron mumbled. A wheeze escaped my throat before I could stop it but quickly tried to hide it.

"Harry! You look great!" Ron whined. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood back up fully. Ron turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"Wow!" He gasped.

"Hey! Don't gawk at my sister." Harry scolded. I turned to look at myself in the mirror one last time.

Remus sent me my mother's old gown. I used some money to hem it, she was a lot smaller than me, but now it fits perfectly,

"Oh! I've got to get pictures!" I gasped, rushing to grab my camera.

"Oh, come on. Not more pictures." Harry groaned.

"Someone has to. Move together." I rushed. The boys awkwardly moved to stand next to each other, giving me fake smiles.

"Marley!" A voice screamed from below the stairs. I gasped and looked at the clock, seeing the time. 

"We'll be late, come on!" I gaped, placing my camera in my purse. 

"Thank god." Ron grumbled. 

As we all got to the top of the stairs Harry stopped me.

"Let me help you." Harry said, holding out his arm. I smiled and took his and Ron's arms. They gently led me down the stairs. I saw Cedric standing and talking to the twins.

Fred and George saw me first. Their jaws both dropped as I got closer to them, eventually making Cedric turn to look at me as well.

His eyes lit up like stars and my stomach fluttered as he sent me his signature smile.

Finally, we got to the group of boys.

"You look gorgeous." Cedric gasped. I felt my cheeks turn red and I turned to the boys.

"You two better go, the dance is about to start." They both nodded and turned to leave but Harry stopped and turned back towards Cedric.

"Please take care of my sister." He whispered, Cedric nodded and we both watched the boys walk off.

"Hello, Twins." I greeted happily.

"You look hot, Bobby. Who knew you had boo-"

"George." Fred warned, his voice made me look at him. I smiled at him in thanks, seeing the matching eye bags under his eyes that were under mine. We had spent yet another night riding Niamh together until the sun arose. 

"Shall we?" Cedric said. His voice seemed muffled as I watched Fred and George walk away, finding their dates. Fred grabbed onto Angelina and kissed her head before they walked inside.

I turned to Cedric and plastered on a smile.

"Yeah, let's go." I sighed happily. I grabbed his arm and stood in a line behind the other champions.

"There is a dance?" A voice whispered in my ear. I turned to see Harry basically turning white with every word he spoke.

"You didn't know?" I whispered back. He shook his head roughly.

"Just watch what Cedric and I do. It'll be okay." I assured. The music in front of us played loudly and before long the doors opened, revealing the beautiful hall decorated with Christmas decorations.

"Wow." I gasped, I turned my head and saw the twins, Angelina and George's staring at us, Angelina waved happily and I couldn't help to wave back.

All of the champions made the way to the circle and we stopped.

"Ready?" Cedric whispered. I smiled brightly and looked over at Harry.

"Ready." I said back. The music began and we all started dancing. It didn't really feel like dancing, more like floating across the floor.

Whenever I would start to panic and forget my steps, Cedric would always squeeze my hand and assure me that it was okay before he let me, helping me remember.

I laughed as Cedric lifting me in the air, nearly touching one of the floating lanterns that laid along the room.

I saw more and more people begin to join into the dance.

As our dance ended, another began.


"What are you boys mad about?" I walked over to Ron and Harry as they sat off to the side, arms crossed staring at the people around them.

"Yeah, come join the fun." Hermione said, grabbing my arms as sweat beaded her forehead.

"We're fine." Ron mumbled. I rolled my eyes with a laugh and turned to see Cedric coming back from the snack station.

"They have the best chocolate over there." Cedric sighed, taking a bite. I smiled widely and waved everyone off before I grabbed his hand.

"Let's get some drinks." Cedric nodded before shoving the rest of his chocolate in his mouth and taking my hand.

Professor moody stood off to the side and looked over as we approached the drinks.

"Having fun, Miss Rowen? Mr. Diggory?"

"Loads." I replied, grabbing a drink.

"How far have you come on your egg?" Moody asked. I hesitated. I didn't really like moody after the lesson he taught the one day, therefore, I didn't want to tell him about my progress.

"Nothing so far." I admitted, caving in. He simply hummed and rubbed the top of the cane.

"Seems like maybe you should take some time to cool off. I heard a nice bath can always give you the answers you need." Moody said, raising an eyebrow before walking away.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, turning to Cedric.

"Any idea?" He asked. I thought for a moment. Why would water and a dragon egg have any benefits to finding this thing.

"I'm so stupid." I gasped. Cedric still seemed confused as I grabbed his arm and pulled him along. We approached Angelina and the twins table.

"Black lake. We're ditching." I said before we rushed off.

"What's the meaning of this?" Cedric asked as we ran through the hallways.

"Just wait." I laughed.

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