Another Ally

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I gently knocked on the door, pressing my ear to it but hearing nothing.

The door opened suddenly and I saw Harry and Dumbledore talking to each other, Harry looking pale. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and went to say something.

"You're dismissed, Mr. Potter." Dumbledore said, stopping me before I could speak. Harry simply nodded and walked past me, sending me a smile.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, waiting for the door to close before going closer to his desk.

"How is your dragon doing? Niamh, isn't it?" I opened my mouth to speak, confused by his demenor. The usually calm man was pacing back and forth in thought.

"I'm sorry, sir? What's wrong?" I asked gently, fearful the man was near a breaking point.

"Do you know what 'The Mark' is, Miss Rowen?" My throat tightened at the words. Hermione and I hadn't had the chance to talk to Fred with recent events. But now I was worried that the very knowledge which get them in trouble. 

"I don't think so.." I replied, taking to step forward and making my way towards the chair.

"It's when a traveler deems its sire ready for duty within the change. An initiation of sorts." He educated. I simply remained silent, watching as he finally made his way over to the desk and in front of me.

"How did you two do it? Did you find the book in the restricted section?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked between his eyes. Dumbledore didn't seem mad, or fearful, he simply seemed eager to know. Maybe a little too much so.

"I- Sorry, sir. I don't think I know what you mean...I haven't done any spells." I said truthfully. Dumbledore came around again, sitting on the edge of the desk.

"That's what I feared...It seems that your mother and Lily Potter put a binding spell on you and Harry before they died. The only reason it worked on the two of you was because of the love that Lily and Maggie had for each other...but I'm not sure they realized the mistake they made.."

"Why, professor? Harry and I share dreams...that's it." Dumbledore shook his head and looked at me sadly.

"No, child, it's much worse than that. I suggest you do a deeper dig into your memories to try and come up with a solution to unbind you and Harry. I'm afraid this kind of magic is too great, even for me."

"In the meantime. It's about time you had this." Just as Dumbledore pulled out the book, that same white cat jumped onto his desk and sat on the book.

"Excuse me." He sighed, gently pushing the cat off before sending it a look, giving it to me.

On the title it read: "The Change."

Something inside my stomach sent me a warning, something about what Dumbledore said and how he said it caused right for concern.

I simply nodded and stood up, holding my head down as I slowly left the office. My head raced with questions. Why would Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards in the world not know what is going on with me?

"Marley, thank merlin." A voice said. When I looked up I saw Hermione and Fred rushing up to me, both out of breath. Hermione went speak but stopped when she saw the book in my hands. Her eyes went wide. 

"He gave that to you?" I opened and closed my mouth like a gold fish and nodded. 

"Fred, I think it's time we show Hermione everything." 

"Everything?" I grabbed Hermione and Fred's hands and rushed from the hallway and towards the tree, the book seeming to weigh heavier and heavier onto my bag that I carried it in. Once we all got to the spot, I sat down, pulling the blanket Fred and I had from outside of the hole into the tree and laying it down. 


"Hermione, you're my friend and I need your help. But, what you're about to see is very...complicated." I began, pulling the pensieve out as well. She looked at Fred who gave her a knowing smile. 

"It's pretty serious but it takes a lot for her to ask for help. This is your only chance to backout." Fred added, moving to sit beside me. She hesitated for a moment, looking between us and the castle she had left behind. 

A symbolism of her childhood. 

She smiled and sat down. 

"Show me." Fred and I smiled as we turned to each other and we both began pulling memories from our heads before placing it in the bowl. Hermione didn't waste a second more to dive her head inside. 

"This might take a minute." Fred sighed, laying on the blanket below us. 

"Do you think she'll puke like you did the first time?" I asked, raising a brow. His head shot in my direction and he scoffed. 

"I did not throw up. The dinner was bad." He mumbled. I chuckled and pulled my knees up to my chest, sighing deeply. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I hummed, turning my head on my knees to look at him. 


"Why did you hate me the first time we met." Fred waited for a moment before sighing and placing his hands on his stomach. 

"I suppose I just didn't want to get hurt like I did with Angelina." He shrugged. "She did a number on me the first time around." 

"And the second?" 

"I just knew I deserved better, I suppose." I sat there for a moment watching him. Watching how the smallest strand of his hair moved along with the wind, almost dancing to the music of nature. I trailed down to his lips, raw and red from biting on them so much. 

Then I looked at his hands and memorized every scar and blemish that coated his ever knuckle. 

"Trying to paint me?" He asked suddenly, turning his head to look at me. 

"Just admiring. You're very beautiful." I hummed with a smile. Fred snorted but I saw the red tint that lined his cheeks. He looked back at the sky and sighed. 

"I know." I laughed and playfully pushed him over. Right when I opened my mouth Hermione gasped and flung from the bowl, causing Fred and I to both jump up. 

"Bloody hell, Marley. That was...brilliant, scary, frustrating. What..What the bloody hell was that?!" 

"A Day in the Life as an Everyday Time Traveler." I shrugged. 

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