Chapter 5 - Elderwood Guardian

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After a few minutes, jasmine wake up and we grilled some fish for breakfast.

"Your opponent for these few days will be me." she contenued by saying.

"This area is close to the dungeon we will be exploring, but for these days, I want you to focus on fighting me. I noticed that your fighting style seems... awkward at times. Like, you know it in your head, but your body doesn't listen to you... or something like that."

"Haha yes that's actually my problem the entire time" i smiled.

Unsheathing her two daggers, she pointed one at me, continuing, "We won't use any kind of mana for these next few days while sparring."

"I guess... But i also want to raid dungeons without using mana to augment myself" I stated surprising.

"Raiding dungeons without using mana!? That's dangerous arthur" she replied with a serious tone.

"I now that, and since we would be fighting monters that cannot be defeated without using mana, i'll augment myself when the time comes" i said.

"But still..." She mumbled, but i reassured her.

I had three years before I'd attend Xyrus Academy. During my time at school, I would have plenty of chances to focus on studying mana.

I knew what my priorities were at this time.

Making a rough calculation in my head, I held up two fingers. "Two years, Jasmine. I'll dedicate two years to getting my body truly adjusted to sword-fighting without relying on mana."

"That's it?" she said, surprised.

"Just watch," I smirked.




Ten months later

Arthur's POV:

It's been a few months since i first came to the beast glades, and it's been good for my mana core progression.

I have recently manage to break through to the dark yellow stage a few days ago right after consuming the beast core of two A-class Ground snakes.

I've been using mana rotation to refine my mana core whenever i go to the beast glades to avoid suspiciouns,
And i also explained this technique to jasmine. However, after learning that she can't learn it because she had already passed adolescence, she got upset.

The battle with the two A-class beasts is a bit challenging since i had to use my full power as an augmenter and ended up revealing my lightning deviation to my party members.

This raid created rumors since i was quite popular throughout the other adventurers.

It's obviously because of the fact that i got placed in A-class when i first got examined.

And the fact that i have a lightning deviance means i'm not a dwarf, since dwarves are known to have never been able to use the lighting element.
So basically in the beginning, people taught of me as a dwarf since i was short. Haha that's only because i'm still a child that is strong enough to kick their asses.



I'm currently now walking towards the examination ground at the guild hall. As i and jasmine are taking steps towards the stands, i could here some murmurs from all around us.

"Hey isn't he that masked swordsman? Antares was it?"

"Yeah that's him" a skinny guy said.

"Isn't he a bit short or something?" A bulky person stated mockingly, i released my bloodlust to shut his mouth up.

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