Chpater 2 - Sylvia's Cave

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"Um.. i was wondering if i can borrow some of papa's mana to meditate" i said simply sounding innocent. And then i tried to use my best move at my arsenal.

"Can't i?" I said as cutely as possible.

"Agh o-of course art! Even though i don't know what you're going to do, it's fine!!" He said not being able to resist my cuteness, hehe great.

As he let his mana flow to my palm, i immediately absorbed it in my core. It feels just like when i reach the red stage, is this what it feels like to absorb beast cores? I thought.

Arthur is a quadra elemental, and i as well. To think that i can absorb mana from living beings as long as they concentrate their mana on the body part that my palm is placed. This is amazing!!!

I completely overlooked Reynolds's core stage at the early stages of the story. So it seems that he is at least in the light red stage. However, his abundance of mana is astonishing. This could be attributed to his core stage.

By the time Reynolds began to feel fatigued due to the draining of mana,

I had already soared to the pinnacle of the dark red stage!!! This is incredible news. It won't be long, perhaps just a few days, until I reach the solid stage. Or so I believed. If Reynolds were to provide me with more mana, I could achieve it immediately.

But first... He must recuperate the mana that I have absorbed... I pondered as I observed my father laying on the bed, gasping for air in utter exhaustion.

"Art!? What happened to your dad?" My mom asks me in confusion. "Yeah i also don't know what happened" my dad also asked. We are still in their bedroom, so even my mom is here and saw what happened.

"Um.. i get papa's mana so that i can... Um Here!"

As i said those words, i opened my palm and ignited a bright orange flame surprising them.

"Huhhhh?!" Both of them were startled by my sudden fire elemental.

"You have an element already?! Unbelievable!! To think that my son already has an attribute despite being an augmenter at the dark stage!!"

My idiotic father shouted at the top of his lungs, and continued.

"Even i don't have an attribute yet arthur!! How did you do that!?" Rey said with a hint of jealousy.

"Yeah honey how did you do that?!" My mother second her.

"We-well.. i feel hot mana in the air, and i use it alongside papa's mana and then booom!!" I said, trying to sound childish.

"Re-really?" My father asked.

"Yeah!!" I replied not wanting to sound like a normal tutor so it doesn't look like i'm not a kid.


It took a lot of time for my father to understand my explanations as he struggles to grasp the concept of the fire element. But in just a couple of days after that night, he manage to awaken his fire attribute.

"Great!! I finally did it!! I can't believe that little art's tips helped!! Arthur leywin you really are a genius!"

My father kept praising me until lunch time.

Haha... Ha..

This is just an investment so that you won't die on the up coming war old man. This is just the beginning, i won't let both you and adam die in vain.



After that, i finally managed to reach the solid stage of the red mana core. And it's all thanks to reynold, i had drained his mana core again of course, but it's okay since i was the only reason why he was able to learn fire magic.

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