Chapter 20 - Always Popular

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"Hey isn't that one of the DC officers? I think his name was Arthur, right?"

"Isn't he only a first-year? How was he able to get into the disciplinary committee? Does he have connections or something?"

"Stupid. Even if he had connections, I hear everyone from the disciplinary committee needs to be really strong."

"He's kinda cute, no?"

"Yeah, he's totally my type."

"That white fox on top of his head is so adorable!"

I sat towards the back of the classroom with Elijah next to me. The constant murmurs and whispers that echoed against the walls made my head hurt. The professor for our first class, Fundamentals of Magic Theory, had yet to arrive, allowing the discussions of this morning's ceremony to ceaselessly go on.

"Look at how popular you are, Mr. DC Officer." Elijah nudged me with his elbow while giving me a sarcastic smirk.

"Sure sure"

"My name is Professor Avius and I must say that it's great to meet you all. While this is technically a basic class and some may think that it is unnecessary, I, on the other hand, believe this class is the foundation for what will make you a great mage. We won't be doing much casting but there will be fun assignments and projects that I will assign along the way, so look forward to it!"

With that, the class erupted in a synchronized groan at the thought of doing projects.

"On that note, I think today is a rather fine day to have a lecture! No one's going to get any younger so absorb as much knowledge as you can while your brains are still fresh! Take out your notebooks and write utensils!" His thin face wrinkled as he smiled.

Elijah adjusted his glasses and promptly took out a fresh new notebook and pen while eagerly writing the title of the class and today's date.

I just leaned forward and rested my chin on my hand as I began to listen.

'ughhh.. i want recess'



When I arrived to my next class, I noticed that the layout of this room was very different. It was shaped like a miniature arena, with a battling platform in the middle, encased in a barrier field, and rows of seats circling around it.

I made my way to a random spot and sat down. 'I'm hungry,' Sylvie grumbled as she began impatiently thumping her head on top of mine. 'Yeah, me too; lunch is still a bit away though, do you want to go and catch something?' Sylvie nodded and scurried off at a speed that startled me. She was surprisingly fast when it came to food.

More and more students started filling the room after a few minutes. While most were first years, there were some second years that decided to take this class later.

"May I sit here?" I turned my head to find Kathyln in her disciplinary committee uniform standing beside me.

"Sure, go ahead."

I moved my bag that I had on the seat next to me so she could sit. Her expression didn't change but she did give me a slight bow before removing her notes, carefully straightening out her skirt in a refined manner before taking a seat.

"Well, look who we have here! If it isn't Princess Kathyln and my rival, Arthur Leywin." From the front of the door, Feyrith confidently walked towards Kathyln and I.

"If it isn't the brat that i sent flying a few years ago" i said sarcastically.

"Ughh! Stop saying that!" He shouted in defense.

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