Chapter 14 - Mana Rotation

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"So you managed to unconsciously learn how to create blue flames?" I asked, but somehow not that very much curious.

Though, i was a bit surprised by the sudden revelation that my father had told me.

"Yeah! And this flame seems to be stronger than any normal flames! Not to mention it consumes the same amount of mana as any normal flames!" He excitedly explained.

But of course, i already know everything about the fire attribute.

Once he finished his explanation, he opened his right palm and a deem blue flame came out of it.

"Well congrats dad, you don't have to explain it to me since i already learned it a year ago"

I smirked as i opened my palm and did the same thing.

"Ohh well.. as expected of my son i guess?" He tried to hide his embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh well that seems to be the case dad" i just shrugged.

'hmm.. i guess he managed to learn the blue fire technique due to the hades seprent's power that's currently residing in his core..'

This is quite a helpful insight.

From these past few months of my observation on the new mana power system that i created. It seems like the beasts's capabilities are converted into talents that will be inherited by the user if the concealment becomes a success.

'i've never really thought about it since i only considered it as a beast will that is active all the time..' suddenly, an odd idea popped out of my mind.

"Wait.. dad! Did you learn mana rotation too?!"

My feet immediately move towards my dad, startling him. He took a step back while he gasped, then started answering my question.

"Mana.. rotation?" While Confused, he repeated the words for a clarification.

"When I gave you the beast core's will, when i sealed it's power inside you..'

'did you?.." i paused my sentence before letting out a sigh.

'is it even possible for him?'


"Dad.. do you have the ability to absorb mana from the atmosphere while moving?"

Once i muttered the last words of my sentence, i saw his eyes widen a bit.


"..." There was a moment of pause as we only stared at each other, his eyes widing as if asking how i know.

"It's exactly what i said dad, can you absorb mana in the atmosphere while performing movements? Wait.." suddenly, i got another unnatural idea.

"did you learn how to use mana rotation while in combat too?!"

I stared right through in his eyes, curious to know or see if he mastered the technique that tessia and i trained for several months just to achieve and master it.

I saw the pupils in his eyes move from left to right very quickly.

There was a short silence once again before he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes, more relaxed.

"Well.. a few days after you left for the beast glades, i felt some mana being absorbed in my body while eating a meal.."

He said, and continued on.

"It was a weird feeling, but on the second day, it became more clear to me that i can actually absorb mana while moving"

I stayed silent as my father stopped talking, i'm still trying to process the ability that i've uncovered.

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