Chapter 18 - Just a What If

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Elijah and I had managed to make it to our dorm building without further trouble.

There were two male dorms and two female dorms within the academy. The two set of dorms were separated by underclassmen and upperclassmen. Underclassmen were students that were still taking their general education classes.

These students were then moved into the upperclassmen dorms after they'd finished their general education courses and had formally decided on what type of student they were going to be.

The underclassmen dorms were simple, to say the least. It was clean and well-kept but lackluster in terms of furniture or decorations.

It was a warm beige-colored interior with stairs that went all the way up to the top floor, where each floor contained a narrow hallway lined with rooms.

"Room 394. We're here!" Elijah unlocked the door by placing his palm on a round stone above the handle. It looked to be a simple artifact used to read basic mana signatures. As soon as he had opened the door, Sylvie bolted into the room, immediately making a nest out of one of the beds.

The room wasn't nearly as fancy as the one in the Helstea Manor but had a very homey feel.

Walking in, to our right were two closets and to our left was a small bathroom crammed with two adjacent sinks, a shower and toilet.

'i want to sleep so bad right now'




GAAHHHHHH! I screwed up. I screwed up. I screwed up. I TOTALLY screwed up!

I buried my head into my pillow and screamed my lungs out in frustration.

"MMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFPPPHHH!" We were supposed to have an emotional, romantic reunion! Well, it was emotional, but in the complete opposite direction! Why did I even say all of that anyway? Why did I lash out at him? I know Art would never pick a fight without a reason but I just went and told him off on something I didn't even see! Gah!! I'm so stupid!

I bet he hates me now...

If Art just greeted me or even just talked to me normally, I wouldn't have said that! That's right! It's all Art's fault! He even ignored me when I came all the way there to help settle the mess he was in! He didn't even say hi!

I wasn't expecting a full-blown hug or even a k-k-kiss or something! Just a 'long time no see, Tess,' would've been fine!

Who was that black-haired guy that reminds me of a raven, anyway?

Is he his friend? Best friend? It seemed like the both of them knew Lilia and Jarrod! Gahh! This is so frustrating!

But then, i remembered his last remark "I'm disappointed, can this still be called a proper reunion, COUNCIL PRESIDENT?"

Those words lingered inside my head.

I screamed into my pillow again in hopes of releasing some of my frustration, and even some tears. "MMMMMFFFFFF!"

A sudden knock on my door jolted me upright.

"This is Clive...I'm here to check up on you. Are you feeling okay?" I heard the muffled voice through the door.

I quietly cleared my throat before I responded. "I'm fine, i'm not the one who was set spinning in the air." I used my 'public' voice, as I called it, which made me sound much colder.

'ughh!' clive nearly shouted, i could feel clive's embarrassment coming through the closed door.

"Who was that first year, anyway? I can't believe he dared lecture you like that when you were trying to give him advice! Should I talk to the director about this? We could get him punished and-"

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