Chapter 8 - Cold

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As i rose up from my comfortable bed, i felt the strain of using the beast will throughout my entire body.

"Papa your awake!"

Looking at the side of my bed, i could see sylvie waging his tails before jumping on my chest.

"Sylvie.. it hurts down there" i said in our link.

"Oh! I'm sorry papa" she replied and quickly went down beside me, curling up just above my left arm.

"Where is jasmine?" I asked.

"She went to get some food!"

I could only think that 'This little creature is cute'


Seconds passed by while i was looking at my surroundings. I was probably staying in a hospital right now i guess. I can see other beds and patients near me.

Using mana rotation to recover mana, i meditated for a few moments and by the time jasmine got back with a meal at his hands. I already finished recovering my mana reserves in full capacity.

"Arthur, you're awake" she smiled, and i did just the same.


"Here is your dinner" she placed the meal on a small table right beside my bed.

The meal that she handed me consists of hot beef stew and boiled eggs as well as orange juice for the drinks.

"Thanks, and also.. did you also manage to retrieve the two beast cores jasmine?" I asked which she replied with a nod.

"Here" she mumbled while taking out the two beast cores.

"Thank you for retrieving this for me jasmine" i smiled.

"It's okay" she replied.



After that, jasmine started giving me a debrief of what just happened while i was knocked out.

And apparently, after retrieving the beast cores, a group of monkey-type mana beasts tried to incircle us but sylvie managed to fly off just fast enough that we didn't get caught and escaped successfully.

But the one that surprised me is the fact that we got attacked in mid air by a powerful eagle that seems to be in A-class.

Jasmine had used most of his remaining mana and ended up killing the eagle with a stab at its head.

She didn't even have the chance to loot the eagle's corpse since it fell down, what a waste of energy that is.

After reaching the more peaceful parts of the glades, sylvie transformed back to his fox form and both of them harried off and called the guild officials to help carry me to this hospital.

"I see.. that's one heck of a ride i guess" i chuckled.

'At least i was able to kill and collect the S-class bear's beasts core.'

"Yes, it certainly is" she gave an agreeing nod.

I sighed before saying letting him know that i want to get out of this place as soon as possible "i think i'm ok now jasmine, let's get out of here"

"Are you sure? We can stay here longer and let the night pass by you know" she raised her brows.

"Huh, i guess it is better to do that rather than go and rent another cabin" i mused while looking at the other patients.

While standing up, she replied.

"Yes, i'll sleep on a nearby bench arthur, just call for help if you need it" she gestured to a nearby bench that was near the exit and looked at me.

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