Chapter 32 - Well Hidden

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King Blaine was the first to speak, rising from his chair. His complexion, along with Queen Priscilla's, was almost sickly as they sat around an oval table that hadn't been there previously.

Sitting adjacent to the human king and queen were Tessia's parents, Alduin and Meralith, along with Aleah and Aya. All of the elves acknowledged me with an uncomfortable greeting, but otherwise stayed silent. Also sitting on the table was Director Cynthia, who wore a baffled expression to compliment her disheveled appearance.

The next person i locked eyes with was Aldir, and his creepy third eye.

the rest of the people inside of the room, minus Aldir, rose up from their seat and gave a small, respectable bow to Windsom.

Acknowledging their gestures, he motioned for me to take a seat with him at the table.

"For those who do not know who I am"-the purple eye on his forehead focused on me-"I am Aldir."

"Windsom and I have been sent here to give you lesser beings a chance of survival in the imminent war with the Vritra," the asura continued without pause.


'I can't believe he's going to be the one who will be responsible for the elf kingdom's destruction.'


After the asura's introduction, the discussion played out similarly with the og timeline. I was left with nothing to do as i followed Windsom as he started discussing about.

"Memorizing all that I've told you isn't necessary, it is always beneficial for one to know the culture, mannerisms and politics involved when in unfamiliar territory. Especially if you have to interact with the important figures of said place." Windsom advised, not bothering to turn around as he continued pushing branches and vines out of his way. "But I have a feeling that you already know the importance of that."

"Of course," I smirked. "But knowledge without understanding is but a sword stuck in its sheath. Now, you've told me the what, Windsom, but you've yet to tell me the why."

"Very true," he admitted. "Do not worry, we'll get to that soon enough."

I went on. "Okay, so there are sev... no, eight races of asuras in Epheotus. Each race consists of multiple clans, but only one clan within their respective race are t.i.tled as one of the High Eight?"

"The Great Eight," the asura corrected immediately.

"What race was the Vritra Clan?" I tried to imagine multiple times in the past what sort of creature the Vritra Clan might be, with their horns and grey complexion, but nothing came to mind.

"The true form of the Vritra Clan is that of a fearsome serpentine asura called the Basilisk. It will be good for you to take note of the races and clan names of the Great Eight."

"What became of the Basilisk race after the Vritra Clan and other Basilisk clans' betrayal? I pressed on, swatting a particularly annoying insect that had probably thought my ear would make a good resting spot.

"Excluding the fact that the Vritra Clan was replaced by a lesser clan as part of the Great Eight, some of the more radical races pushed to annihilate whatever remained of the Basilisk race. Fortunately, the ties between each race reach far back in history; friends of the remaining Basilisk clans stood up for them. In the end, measures as drastic as a genocide were never taken; it would be foolish for a whole race to bear the crimes of a few, after all."

"I see..." I continued walking, looking at my dirty boots crunching on fallen leaves and broken branches.

"That settles my curiosity, i guess" i mumbled to myself.

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