Chapter 24 - Lies

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"It was my night shift in patrolling the campus, we in the DC have already decided what our patrol routes will be, this made me think that it will be going to be just any normal patrols, or so i thought. However, it was proven wrong, and in such a complex and tricky way."

"I see, go on"

The always haggard-looking old man, who was sitting impatiently, and strangely is listening quite well to my story, motioned with a wave of his hand.

'i'm getting quite nervous'

"Well, as i was patrolling the streets, i sensed a strange presence coming from my right. It was of course the spy, evident by the runes behind his back" i said in a deep tone, pushing my back against the chair which the mad scientist had prepared for me.

"Sure, now what the heck did you do!?" He shouted, surprising me a bit.

"Don't rush old man, anyways, me and my bond quickly hid behind a pillar or something, i don't quite remember. But when i took a peek, i saw a hooded guy running, the wind resistance blew his upper cloth, revealing the runes which was specifically engraved on top of his spine for some reason"

"Oh come on! Just go straight to the damn point brat! It has been a few minutes already!" He complained, gazing at me with half closed eyes.

"Right right.. at first i thought that i need to follow the guy to see if he will lead me to some kind of hide out of the radical group, but i reconsidered at the last second." I calmly replied.

Holding his chin, Gideon pondered "But why? You could've just done what you first planned, you could've uncovered more info."

"Well, it was because of my fellow dc officer Kai Crestless or something. I don't really remember his last name but, the guy is quite suspicious, his magice is strange and his vibes are creepy. I actually suspect that he was the mole in our committee." Taking a sip on the glass beside me, i eased my growing nervousness.

"Hey, how are this things connected then?"

"The hooded guy was heading towards Kai's patrolling area. Kai.. he insisted on patrolling a larger area than the rest of us. This made me think, if there really is a mole amongst us, then he or she would surely be interested in doing something that will give the radical group a more safe route to travel." As i said that, Gideon's eyes widened.

"So instead of following the hooded guy with the risk of being caught by Kai which was a potential spy, i just snuck behind the man and kicked him in the balls, following it with a hard right hook." I shrugged, then i saw some vains pop up in his forehead.

"I see, however.." Gideon paused for a second before continuing.

"Why the bloody hell did you bring the hooded guy to me instead of the director! You fool!" Gideon picked up a book then threw it at me, which i dodged.

"Hey! Stop!" I shouted at him as i caught the book that was intended to hit my head. "I dragged the bastard here because i want you to analyze the runes behind his back! No need to worry about the director!"

Wiping down the sweat in his face, he looked at me with fading anger.


"Actually... Sigh.. this is the second time that i caught a rune engraved human" i lied with a bit of acting, making Gideon pause his tantrum.

Looking at the unconscious body of the hooded guy, i started with my made up reason. "When i first caught a spy, i interrogated her by threatening to touch her.. you know, sexual harassment. Anyways, in the end i looked like i was a pervert but i managed to get quite a lot of information. The woman which was the first spy that i had caught stated that she and others came from another land. She only confessed a few things but it was enough information for me. She didn't say the name of the place, up until her last moments, however she.." i paused, taking a deep breath before continuing on.

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