Chapter 9 - Binding Consciousness

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While heading out of the S-class beast's cave, we heard loud reverberating echoes coming from the direction which we parted with sylvie.

"Jasmine! Let's go and look for sylvie quickly!" I nearly shouted.

'My legs hurt, but that's not important right now, i'm confident that i still have enough energy to run a long distance' i assumed while following just behind jasmine.

"Yeah, let's go" she replied.

We quickly ran and passed several ice crystals, the noise became more clear as we are running hurriedly.

Suddenly however, the same noise stopped.

Once we reached the place, i saw another limp corpse that seems like a bear. Turning my gaze slightly to my right, i caught sight of sylvie who is now in his fox form.

'oh.. i guess she's okay' i let out an eased breath while taking steps towards her.

"Are you okay sylv?" I asked in our link.

"Yeah papa! That other beast was weak unlike the one we fought!" She responded.

"Oh i see, did you eat all of their beast cores then?" I questioned.




When we came back to the guildhall, i decided to depart the glades and go home for a long vication. I really want to take a break right now, so my return to my family will be a bit more early.

Jasmine decided to join the twin horns after our raid in that dungeon, while sylvie remained so that she could hunt more beasts. Of course, i had to advise him about all the precautions that are needed so that she can remain safe.


"Brother you're here" i heard eleonor shout before running towards me, i gave here a hug before greeting our parents.

"Arthur what happened?! You really made me worry!" My mother took quick steps before hugging me tightly.

"Hey art! What happened to you? Your mother's ring glowed brighter than usual a few hours ago" Reynolds came up behind here.

"You guys don't have to worry, that was just me fighting some S-class mana beast" i shot them a smirk. Their jaws came down as i slowly walk up to the stairs.

"Come on guys! I want some snacks!" I signaled for them to get inside the house to which they did.

Although, my father's and mother's shock can still be seen by their expressions.


When we sat on the couches, i told them my journey. I told them of how i have the powers to defeat S-class to which they sighed and ended up calling me,"little monster".

That word kinda felt weird because i don't really like being called a monster just because i was overpowered.

The only thing that i didn't tell them was my encounter with the S-class tiger-type and bear-type beasts.

Eventually, i did end up telling them that i have a beast will, but i didn't tell them that it was given to me by a dragon. They can only assume that this will of mine is an S-class. Me and the others chatted until the sun sets, and when it did, i headed towards reynolds.

"Hey dad" i called while walking to the balcony that he was in.

"Yes art?" He turned to meet me.

"I have a question, are you perhaps stuck at the solid orange stage?" I asked.

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