Chapter 10 - Stronger

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Finally, after a few minutes of meditating, the snowy orb finally made a perfect orbit at my core.

However, just a second after it did so, a sharp pain roared at my insides and for what felt like hours, my solar suplex feels as if it was bathing in the cold temperatures of the arctic.

Feeling more of the sudden and large energy trying to adjust to my core. On instinct, i deactivated Phase two in an effort to minimize the backlash that i will be experiencing next.

"Urghh.." i can't even keep myself from groaning due to the severe pain, it ended up with me dropping down on my bed.

Eventually after a few seconds, the strain got inside my head, the only thing i can make out is my vision getting blurry before my eyes got overcomed by darkness.



Author's note: sorry for the late update.



"Huh?" I opened my eyes to see myself laying on my bed.

Based on the look of it, i'm still in my bedroom obviously and although i could tell that something is different somehow.

Of course, the first thing that i did was to spend a minute checking up on my mana core. The fact that it now has a tin bluesh ring around it startled me.

'what the heck is this? Don't tell me.. is this it?! Have i managed to gain the powers of the ice enderman's beast will?' i suddenly felt very excited.

'please.. i hope this one works out just fine'

Stretching my arms, i immediately rushed to my slippers before standing up straight.

"i need to test this out" i muttered.

After opening up the door, i quickly rushed to the training grounds, i heard a couple of gasps when passing through a couple of maids.

Once i found an open field, I prepared myself so that i can finally test my new found powers.

Taking a few more steps at the center of the field, i stumped to the ground and sharp spikes quickly sprouted out from the grass.


'This unpleasantly looks like nico's ability to make black metals, the difference is that his spike-generating capability is on a larger scale.'

It is also a decay mana art instead of ice.

"Woah... Is this for real?"


"Damn, this is too sharp for my comfort" i can no longer hide my excitement. I never would've taught that this theory of mine would work.

"Yes yes yes! I did it!" I kept jumping on the grass like a child who's going to his first beach experience.

But then suddenly, i felt a familiar sensation, it seems to be a constant circulation of mana inside my body.

"huh? What the.." i felt something different.

Just a few moments after feeling it, it  eventually clicked in my head.

'huh? How the heck?! My mana rotation was active this entire time?!'

While thinking, i can feel the mana that was constantly surging into my mana core.

'Not only that, my mana reserves had sky rocketed threefold'

"Daaamn! This feels amazing! not only did my ice magic got amplified, i can now activate mana rotation unconsciously!"

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